RCEP推动经济复苏和多边主义|RCEP set to boost recovery, multilateralism

RCEP推动经济复苏和多边主义|RCEP set to boost recovery, multilateralism


RCEP推动经济复苏和多边主义RCEP set to boost recovery, multilateralism

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is set to accelerate regional economic integration, inject more growth impetus into the world's economic recovery andshore up multilateralismand free trade, experts said on Sunday.


They made the remarks at the RCEP Media & Think Tank Roundtable Forum with the theme of "The RCEP comes into effect: New prospects for regional cooperation and development".


The forum was jointly organized by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Hainan Provincial Committee, China Daily, the Hainan-based China Institute for Reform and Development and the Hainan Institute for Free Trade Port Studies.


The agreement came into force on Jan 1 in 10 of the 15 RCEP member states. The world's biggest trade pact, it covers one third of the global population and domestic gross product and will add more resilience to regional industrial and supply chains, the experts said.



▲An aerial view of the container dock of the Qinzhou Port section of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone in Qinzhou, South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. Photo/Xinhua

中国(广西)自由贸易试验区钦州港片区的集装箱码头,位于中国南部广西壮族自治区钦州。无人机照片新华社 摄

While speaking at the opening ceremony of the event, Zhou Shuchun, publisher and editor-in-chief of China Daily, said a unified regional market willunleashthe huge potential of trade growth in the region. It will also vigorously promote regional economic integration of a higher quality and at a deeper level, and strengthen the presence of the Asia-Pacific region in the global economic and trade arena, he added.


The trade pact's implementation is a testimony to truemultilateralismand free trade, which also indicates a future of mutually beneficial cooperation with opening-up practices and win-win outcomes, Zhou said.


"Removing wall-like barriers instead of building more is the trend of history, and it is in line with interests ofpeople in the world to firmly support a multilateral trading system," he said.


The free trade agreement was signed by 15 Asia-Pacific countries, including all 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, in November 2020. It came into effect in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and six ASEAN states-Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam-at the start of the year and will be implemented in South Korea on Feb 1.


With provisions on liberalization and facilitation in both trade and investment, it is widely expected the pact willprovidean all-around boost to regional economic growth and global free trade.


Hong Nanwei, general manager of Fujian Chuangxing Ocean Sci-Tech Co, a frozen seafood processor and exporter in Quanzhou, Fujian province,saidthanks to reductions and removals oftariffsin the pact, the company is more confident of better growth in overseas markets.


Chi Fulin, president of the China Institute for Reform and Development, said tariffs on about 90 percent of goods traded within the region will eventually be eliminated and significantly reduce trade costs and product prices.


The cumulative rules of origin, which allow products to have just 40 percent of their value added within the region to enjoy tariff reduction or elimination, will encourage enterprises to source from the region. That will then promote the formation of a closer, more stable and more competitive regional industrial cooperation system, according to Chi, who is also president of the Hainan Institute for Free Trade Port Studies.


▲A worker checks engines at a Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Group Co Ltd facility in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, in September. Yuchai has exported more than 260,000 engines to ASEAN nations by the end of 2021. Photo provided to China Daily

9月,在广西玉柴机械集团有限公司位于广西壮族自治区玉林的工厂里,一名工人正在检查发动机。截至2021年底,玉柴向东盟国家出口了26万多台发动机。 中国日报摄

Chen Geng, chairman of Fashion Flying Group, a large-scale outdoor garment manufacturer based in Fuzhou, Fujian province, said the RCEP agreement will help the company tap the potential of Southeast Asian markets.


Citing a study by the Asian Development Bank, Bert Hofman, director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, said the pact will increase member economies' income by over half a percent by 2030, adding some $245 billion in annual income and 2.8 million jobs in regional employment.

新加坡国立大学东亚研究所所长郝福满(Bert Hofman)引用亚洲开发银行的一项研究表示,到2030年,RCEP将使成员经济体的收入增加0.6%,同时为该区域带来2,450亿美元的经济增长并创造280万个就业岗位。

"It is important for mankind to work together and to benefit from globalization and to benefit from high standards in trade," Hofman said.


Chi suggested member economies strengthen efforts to acceleratealignmentof market regulations and share and recognize customs clearance information to accelerate the formation of a united regional market. Efforts are also needed to advance the construction of integrated markets in key areas such as agricultural products, services and the digital economy, he said.


Ong Tee Keat, president of the Center for New Inclusive Asia in Malaysia,and also Malaysia's former minister of transport, said the regional free trade deal can serve as a building block for multilateralism in the future.

马来西亚新亚洲战略研究中心主席、前交通部长翁诗杰(Ong Tee Keat)表示,RCEP协议会成为未来多边主义的基石。

shore up

英 [ʃɔ: ʌp];美 [ʃɔr ʌp]



英 [ʌnˈliːʃ];美 [ʌnˈliːʃ]

vt. 解开…的皮带;放纵;解除…的束缚;发泄





英 [əˈlaɪnmənt];美 [əˈlaɪnmənt]

n. 调准,校正;结盟,联合

  • Joker_John


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  • HAHA大人

    impetus:动力,促进;动量,冲力 shore up:支持,支撑;加固 Forum:n. 讨论会;(因特网上的)论坛,讨论区;法院,法庭;(古罗马)公共集会场所 jointly:联合地,共同地 pact:n. 条约,协议,公约 resilience:恢复力,复原力;(橡胶等的)弹性 unleash: 释放出,发泄(力量、感情等);解开皮带放开(动物);放开,解除对……的限制 arena: 竞技场,圆形剧场;斗争场所,活动舞台 Asia-Pacific region:亚太地区 testimony:n. (尤指法庭上的)证词,证言;证据,证明;(宗教皈依或经历的)公开表白

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