清明节Qingming Festival

清明节Qingming Festival


Qingming Festival

Rewritten by Wang Wei

A well-known poem by tang dynasty writer du mu tells of a sad scene in earlyApril(Tranlated by Wan Changsheng & Wangjianzhong):    

唐朝著名诗人杜牧有一首著名的诗,描述了四月初令人伤感的一幕场景(Wan Changsheng & Wangjianzhong译):

The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day,

So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.


When asked where could be found a tavern bower,

A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.


The Qingming Festival, known as Tomb-sweeping Day,falls on either April 4th or 5th of the Gregorian Calendar,and is one of the Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms.From the date temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases.


However, it is not merely a seasonal symbol,it is also a day to pay respect to the dead.


Legend has it that Jin prince Chong'er ran away from the country with his supporters due to persecution.There were no foods and they were stranded in an alien environment.They were homeless for 19 years and things got so bad that Chong'er began to starve to death. One of the prince's faithful followers, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master. Chong'er was saved and, in 636 BC, he took back the throne.


He rewarded the officials who had stayed loyal to him but only forgot about Jie Zitui. By the time Chong'er remembered him, Jie Zitui had traveled deep into the mountains. Chong'er wanted to persuade Jie to come home, so he had the hills set on fire. But Jie was later found beside a Great Willow with his old mother on his back. Both were dead.


Chong'er ordered 3 days without making fires to cook in honor of Jie Zitui.


Build a temple in memory of Zitui on the top of the mountain so the Jin people can worship him forever.


Bury Jie Zitui and his mother ceremoniously,Chong'er's eldest son Bo Tiao will take part in the funeral in mourning dress.


A memorial ceremony is to be held every year.


Chong'er is here to announce this day is called "Cold Food Day".


On this day every year all the people across Jin must not make fires or cook only cold food is allowed.


From this comes Cold Food Festival.


The second years he led his ministers climbing the mountain to sacrifice Jie Zitui , founding the old willow tree was resurrection. So he gave a name to the great willowQingming Liu and declare it to the world, setting the Cold Food Festival’s second day as Tomb Sweeping Day .


The Cold Food Festival occurs on the eve ofTomb Sweeping Day and is often considered as part of the Tomb Sweeping Day.As time passes, theTomb Sweeping Daythen became an important holiday from an originally simple farming day.


It is one of the 24 solar terms, means that it’s good time for spring ploughing.Tomb Sweeping Dayfalls around April fifth, and it’s during the spring ofChina, so it is also calledspring outing.In addition to pay attention to the fire, the tomb-sweeping, and spring outing, swing, kite flying, play polo, willow branches inserted on each gate to ward off the evil spirits, and so on a series of customs sports activities.This is becauseTomb Sweeping Day to people from the fire, in order to prevent a cold buffet injury body, so everyone to take part in some of the sports activities, and to exercise.


How does your family celebrateTomb Sweeping Day?

People are going to visit the grave of the late relatives.

According to the old tradition, people folded some paper to make it look like gold money from ancient China. Meanwhile, people made some of the late relative’s favorite foods, like dumplings and pork char siu.

That day people are all up early, getting ready to go to the cemetery where the late relatives is buried. All the other families are also coming to pay respects to their ancestors.

The first step for Tomb Sweeping Day is to sweep the tomb. People clean the grave. Soon, all the dirt is cleared away, and the area looks as good as new!

Next, people bring out the food, set it in front of the tombstone as an offering to the late relatives, people pour out some rice wine in a cup and places it next to the food.

People take out a big, old bowl. People put the paper money in the bowl and light it.

As the money burns, the ash rises and goes to the late relatives. The relatives alway need money, even after life!

After people burn all the paper money, and light some incense and leave it at the grave.

People then take turn bowing three times in front of the tomb.

Until today, Chinese is influenced by its culture, Tomb Sweeping Day ancestor cult, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail, and the more brought to the attention of the people. This is already a kind of culture, a kind of habit.


There is also a festival similar to ourTomb Sweeping Day called a Festival for the Dead in Japan


A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.

Diwali-Festival of Lights


Diwali or Deepavali, the festival of "rows of lights", is one of the most important of all Hindu festivals. People place candles on the stairs, hallway and balcony at home when night falls that day to pay respect to the deceased and pray for the family. Lighting lamps and candles during the festival is also considered auspicious by bringing light, knowledge and eternal life from darkness, ignorance and death.


All Soul's Day


All Soul's Day, also called the "Day of the Dead" usually occurs on November 2, when families fondly remember the deceased by praying before an altar. It's also a time marked by festivities, including parades of skeletons. In one notable tradition, revelers lead a mock funeral procession with a live person inside a coffin.


Day of the dead


Poland and most of the Catholic world have celebrated the festival on Nov 1 for many centuries. Also known as All Saints Day, it's a national holiday when people all over Poland visit the graves of loved ones and to place candles and flowers at tombstones. The candles, which can burn for hours, are placed to help the departed souls find the way home.


Memorial Day in US


Memorial Day is a US national holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It commemorates those who died while in military service to their country. Soldiers in service and veterans go to cemeteries to pay respect to their dead peers by firing guns and blowing trumpets. First enacted to honor American soldiers and casualties in the civil war, the two World Wars and other military actions, it later evolved as a popular civil festival for each family to commemorate the passing of their loved ones.


Tomb sweeping is regarded as the most critical custom in the Qingming Festival.


Cleaning the tomb and paying respect to the dead with offerings are the two important rituals.


Weeding the tomb and adding some fresh soil to it are to let the dead live a comfortable life.


The dead person's favorite foods and wine are taken to sacrifice to them along with paper in the hope that they are not lacking meals and money.


Bowing and mourning in silence is to show that we respect and miss the dead.


Qingming Festival not only a day for or commemorating the dead, but also a time for people to get pleasure.


Throughout March, everything in nature takes on a new look, trees turning green, flowers blossoming and also the sun shining brightly.


It is a fine time to go out and to appreciate the stunning scenes of nature.


Spring outings can not only add fun to our lives, but also benefit us physically and mentally.


Qingming represents the best time of spring scenery.


Sacrificing to ancestors during such wonderful time, showcases the importance of inheritance in Chinese people's mind.


Thanks to such awareness of inheritance Chinese culture has always maintained the vitality for thousands of years.


