116.【纯享版】第二十二章-Chapter22-1 围堵歌神德拉库斯

116.【纯享版】第二十二章-Chapter22-1 围堵歌神德拉库斯


Chapter 22-1

Hundreds were gathered to watch Ernesto’s Sunrise Spectacular. On the huge, free standing stage, Frida’s dramatic performance piece swelled with symphonic music as a giant papaya ignited.


The papaya seeds unfurled to reveal dancers dressed like Frida Kahlo, with thickly painted unibrows. The Frida clones gyrated their bodies nonsensically as they rolled out of the flaming papaya.

只见一粒粒木瓜种子逐渐打开,站在其中的舞者个个打扮成弗里达 · 卡罗的模样,脸上画着浓密的一字眉。弗里达们从燃烧的木瓜种子里滚出来,身体笨拙地打转。

Next, a giant cactus that resembled Frida was illuminated. All the dancers slunk into it. In the midst of all this, nine Riveras, dressed as cloned Frida dancers, inched their way out of the spotlight and toward the wings.


Good luck, muchacho!” the real Frida Kahlo said to Miguel.

“祝你好运,小孩儿!”真正的弗里达 · 卡罗对米格说。

Gracias, Frida!” Miguel waved, running backstage with the rest of his family. Once there, they swiftly shed their Frida costumes, and Dante popped out from under Tío Óscar’s skirt. Mamá Imelda was tangled up in her frock.


Here, let me help you with—” Hector said. “Don’t touch me,” she snapped.


The family joined together in a huddle. “Everyone clear on the plan?” Miguel asked.


Find Hector’s photo,” Tía Victoria said.


Give it to Miguel,” Papá Julio added.


Send Miguel home,” Mamá Imelda said.


Got your petals?” asked Hector.


Each family member raised a marigold petal. Imelda led the way out of the backstage corridor. “Now we just have to find Ernesto..., she said, turning a corner and suddenly finding herself face to face with the famous crooner.


Ernesto turned to Mamá Imelda, smiling. “Yes?” he said.


Ah!” she exclaimed. The family stopped in their tracks, still hidden from Ernesto’s view.


His smile dropped. “Don’t I know you?”


Imelda slipped off her shoes in one swift motion and smacked Ernesto across the face with it. “That’s for murdering the love of my life!”


Ernesto looked confused. “Who the...?


Hector rounded the corner.


She’s talking about me!” He turned to Mamá Imelda. “I’m the love of your life?”


I don’t know! I’m still angry at you.”


Ernesto gasped. “Hector? How did you—”


Imelda smacked him again. “And that’s for trying to murder my grandson!”


Grandson?” Ernesto muttered, confused. Now Miguel jumped out of the corridor, and Ernesto pieced it together. “You! Wait—you’re related to Hector?”


Miguel spied Hector’s photo in Ernesto’s pocket.


The photo!” Miguel cried. The rest of the Riveras closed in on the singer. Ernesto turned to run.


After him!” Mamá Imelda yelled. Ernesto disappeared below the stage, where his rising platform was set up for his big entrance.


He cried out for help. “Security! Ayúdame!”


The Rivera family fanned out after him. Hector ran next to Imelda. “You said love of your life!”


I don’t know what I said!”


That’s what I heard,” Miguel chimed in.


Can we focus on the matter at hand?” Mamá Imelda pleaded. The security guards had arrived, and the family fought. Papá Julio kicked a guard. Tío Felipe pulled Tío Óscar’s arms off and spun them around, knocking down the guards like dominoes. Tío Óscar pounced on the remaining guard. Ernesto escaped through the stage door. Suddenly, a stagehand was in front of him.


You’re on in thirty seconds, señor,” said the stagehand. Ernesto shoved him out of the way, sending him flying. While more security guards showed up to wrangle the Riveras, Mamá Imelda reached Ernesto and lunged for Hector’s photo. Miguel tackled him, and the photo fell. Mamá Imelda grabbed it.


Miguel, I have it!” she called, tumbling backward. Miguel tried to turn to help her, but guards chased him away. Suddenly, Mamá Imelda rose into the air. She was on Ernesto’s rising platform!


As she ascended to the stage, Ernesto raced up the stairs.


Miguel’s family blocked the guards from chasing Mamá Imelda. She was all alone.


