010_The Wind in the Willows 10_Longing for the River

010_The Wind in the Willows 10_Longing for the River


Toad, Mole, and Rat rode in the cart.
They were tired and covered in dust.
The sun was setting.
The sky was pink with the fading light.
"Let’s stop for the night," said Rat.
"Yes, let’s," said Mole.
"Wonderful idea!" said Toad. "I’m hungry."
They stopped the cart and untied the horse.
The stars came out in the dark sky.
They ate a simple supper under the moon.
"Time for bed," said Toad.
He snuggled under his blanket on the grass.
"What a great day!" he said.
"So much better than that old river."
Toad closed his eyes and began to snore.
"Oh, my river," sighed Rat. "I miss it very much."
Mole lay next to Rat.
He squeezed Rat’s paw.
"Rat," said Mole, "should we run away tomorrow?
We can go home to the river."
"No," said Rat. "We have to stay with Toad.
It would not be safe to leave him."
Mole yawned. "Okay."
"Toad’s foolish ideas never last long," said Rat.
Rat was right. Tomorrow everything would change.
"Goodnight, Mole," yawned Rat.
But Mole was already fast asleep.

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