Linguaphone 7.2.3 letters

Linguaphone 7.2.3 letters


Mr. Hunt: Hello, I want to buy some stamps. My wife’s got something to send to Switzerland. She wants to send some letters to Scotland, too. Can she post them here?
Post office man: Yes, she can. How many stamps would you like?
Mr. Hunt: I’d like threepenny stamps and five airletters, please.
Post office man: Here they are. Is this the packet for Switzerland?
Mrs. Hunt: Yes, it is.
Post office man: Air mail or ordinary mail?
Mrs. Hunt: Air mail, please.
Post office man: Are these the letters for Switzerland?
Mrs. Hunt: No, they’re not. Those are going to Scotland. 
Post office man: First class or second class?
Mrs. Hunt: First class, please. And these are for Geneva.
Mr. Hunt: How much is that, please?
Post office man: That’s eighteen pence.
Mrs. Hunt: Do you sell parcel labels?
Post office man: No, I’m sorry, we don’t sell them.

