晨读英语美文 Information Is Power

晨读英语美文 Information Is Power



Information Is Power
[00:08.02]In such a changing, complex society formerly simple solutions
[00:11.51]to informational needs become complicated.
[00:14.68]Many of life's problems which were solved 
[00:17.95]by asking family members,friends or colleagues 
[00:21.13]are beyond the capability of extended family to resolve.
[00:24.09]Where to turn for expert information and how to determine
[00:27.91]which expert advice to accept 
[00:30.63]are questions facing many people today.
[00:32.73]Adding to societal changes today
[00:35.96] is an enormous supply of information.
[00:37.76]The individual now has more information available than any generation,
[00:43.01]and the task of finding that one piece of information
[00:46.29]relevant to his or her specific problem
[00:49.81] is complicated, time-consuming
[00:51.21]and sometimes even overwhelming.
[00:53.40]Coupled with the growing quantity of information
[00:57.25] is the development of technologies
[00:58.54]which enable the storage and delivery of more information
[01:02.44] with greater speed to more locations
[01:04.12]than has ever been possible before.
[01:06.09]Computer technology makes it possible 
[01:08.50]to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files,
[01:11.56]and to program computers to locate specific information.
[01:15.16]Telecommunication developments enable the sending of messages
[01:20.27] via television, radio,and very shortly, electronic mail 
[01:24.33]to bombard people with multitudes of messages.
[01:26.99]Satellites have extended the power of communications 
[01:31.01]to report events at the instant occurrence.
[01:33.00]Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing,
[01:36.83]and problems in dispute can be settled
[01:39.56] without participants leaving their homes or jobs
[01:42.74]to travel to a distant conference site.
[01:45.04]Technology has facilitated the sharing of information 
[01:48.70]and the storage and delivery of information,
[01:50.84]thus making more information available to more people.
[01:54.22]In this world of change and complexity, 
[01:57.61]the need for information is of greatest importance.
[02:00.79]Those people who have accurate,

  • 静心儿_Doris

    really good

  • 嫦曦如梦

    who have accurate,reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems,the critical problems of their business,social and family life,will survive andsucced."Konwledge is power"may well be the truest saying snd access to information may be themost critical requirement of all people.

    嫦曦如梦 回复 @听友206513483: 谢谢(^~^),以后会细心点

    听友206513483 回复 @嫦曦如梦: 谢谢补充,友情提示"and succeed"没有分开,还有少了个e 其次"will be"你写成了"well be"

    嫦曦如梦 回复 @嫦曦如梦: 最后一句实在翻译不来了

  • 做一个开心得笨蛋


    听友235770615 回复 @做一个开心得笨蛋: 可以直接调控

    听友248768155 回复 @做一个开心得笨蛋: 放慢

  • 爱吃棒棒糖的贝贝熊


  • 北巷无尾鱼


    睿睿qwq 回复 @梓煕浅羽: 您好厉害

    听友247049264 回复 @梓煕浅羽: 但是作为初中生的我是真的不知道😂😂

    梓煕浅羽 回复 @北巷无尾鱼: 这么简单的英文,需要翻译吗?

  • 听友309976983
