晨读英语美文 You Can Have Entertainment at No Cost

晨读英语美文 You Can Have Entertainment at No Cost


You Can Have Entertainment at No Cost


[00:11.37]Most of us trade money for entertainment.

[00:14.10]Movies, concerts and shows are enjoyable but expensive.

[00:19.41]If you think that you cannot have a good time

[00:21.76]without spending a lot of money,

[00:23.50]read on.

[00:24.81]Little resourcefulness and a few minutes of

[00:27.61]newspaper-scanning should give you

[00:29.53]some pleasant surprises.

[00:32.61]People may be the most interesting show

[00:34.58]in a large city.

[00:36.14]Stroll through busy streets and see

[00:38.13]what everybody else is doing.

[00:40.69]You will probably see people from all over the world;

[00:44.11]you will certainly see people of every age,

[00:46.39]size, and shape,

[00:48.47]and you will get a free fashion show, too.

[00:51.59]Window-shopping is also a safe sport

[00:54.39]if the stores are closed.

[00:56.75]Check the listings in your neighborhood paper.

[00:59.45]Local colleges or schools often welcome the public

[01:02.85]to hear an interesting speaker or a good debate.

[01:06.77]The film or concert series at the local public library

[01:10.85]probably will not cost you a penny.

[01:13.78]Be sure to check commercial advertisements too.

[01:16.98]A flea market can provide hours of pleasant browsing.

[01:20.70]Perhaps you can find a free cooking

[01:22.74]or crafts demonstration in a department store.

[01:26.25]Plan ahead for some activities.

[01:28.08]It is always more pleasant not to have people

[01:30.56]in front of you in a museum or at a zoo.

[01:33.93]You may save some money,too,

[01:35.53]since these places often set aside

[01:37.74]one or two free admission days at slow times

[01:40.79]during the week.

[01:42.48]Pretend that you are a tourist from time to time,

[01:45.18]and get to know your city all over again

[01:47.95]including the indispensable sights

[01:49.59]that people travel miles to see.

[01:52.45]If you feel like taking an interesting walk,

[01:55.21]find a free walking tour,

[01:57.27]or plan one yourself.

[01:59.51]You will see your city in a new perspective

[02:02.17]once you know more about its history

[02:04.32]or its architectural treasures.

[02:07.05]With imagination and a spirit of adventure,

[02:09.98]you can quite easily find good entertainment

[02:13.07]at no cost at all.

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