06. 吉德罗·洛哈特(原文讲解)

06. 吉德罗·洛哈特(原文讲解)


Gilderoy Lockhart

“What’s all this, what’s all this?” Gilderoy Lockhart was striding toward them, his turquoise robes swirling behind him. “Who’s giving out signed photos?”

Harry started to speak but he was cut short as Lockhart flung an arm around his shoulders and thundered jovially, “Shouldn’t have asked! We meet again, Harry!”

Pinned to Lockhart’s side and burning with humiliation, Harry saw Malfoy slide smirking back into the crowd.

“Come on then, Mr. Creevey,” said Lockhart, beaming at Colin. “A double portrait, can’t do better than that, and we’ll both sign it for you.”

“A word to the wise, Harry,” said Lockhart paternally as they entered the building through a side door. “I covered up for you back there with young Creevey — if he was photographing me, too, your schoolmates won’t think you’re setting yourself up so much. . . .”

Deaf to Harry’s stammers, Lockhart swept him down a corridor lined with staring students and up a staircase.

“Let me just say that handing out signed pictures at this stage of your career isn’t sensible — looks a tad bigheaded, Harry, to be frank. There may well come a time when, like me, you’ll need to keep a stack handy wherever you go, but” — he gave a little chortle — “I don’t think you’re quite there yet.”

They had reached Lockhart’s classroom and he let Harry go at last. Harry yanked his robes straight and headed for a seat at the very back of the class, where he busied himself with piling all seven of Lockhart’s books in front of him, so that he could avoid looking at the real thing.  



- v. 猛甩;例句:She flung her arms around him. 她张开双臂抱住他。

- v. 扔;例句:She flung her book at him, but missed. 她把自己的书朝他掷去,但是没打中。


- adv. 像父亲一样的

- maternal: adj. 母亲的

to set oneself up

- 从事某事;例句:She set herself up as a hairdresser. 她做起了美发师。

- 自夸为……;例句:I don’t set myself up to be an expert. 我不敢自诩为专家。

- set sb. up: 诬陷某人;例句:I can’t believe you set me up! 我不敢相信你刻意诬陷我!


- stride: v. 大步走

- turquoise: adj. 青绿色的

- swirl: v. 打旋儿

- fling: v. 猛甩;扔;例句:She flung her arms around him. 她张开双臂抱住他。例句:She flung her book at him, but missed. 她把自己的书朝他掷去,但是没打中。

- jovially: adv. 欢乐地

- pin: v. 固定;n. 大头针

- smirk: n./v. 得意地笑;例句:Wipe that smirk off your face! 你别得意!

- beam: v. 微笑,定向传送;例句:The concert was beamed all over the world. 音乐会向全世界转播。

- portrait: n. 肖像;portrait mode 肖像模式

- paternally: adv. 像父亲一样的;扩展:maternal adj. 母亲的;maternity leave 产假;paternity leave 陪产假

- covered up for sb.: 替某人掩饰;例句:He’s always covering up for his younger brother. 他对弟弟总是很护短。

- set oneself up: 自夸为……;例句:I don’t set myself up to be an expert. 我不敢自诩为专家。 从事某事;例句:She set herself up as a hairdresser. 她做起了美发师。set sb. up: 诬陷某人;例句:I can’t believe you set me up! 我不敢相信你刻意诬陷我!

- stammer: v./n. 口吃;例句:He tends to stammer when he is nervous. 他常常一紧张就结巴。

- line: v. 沿……排成行;例句:The main road is lined with trees. 主路两旁都是树木。lined notebook 横格笔记本

- sensible: adj. 明智的,妥当的;例句:It might be sensible to get a lawyer. 找个律师可能会是明智的。

- tad: n. 少量

- bigheaded: adj. 自大的,自负的;同义词:arrogant

- handy: adj. 有用的,便利的

- chortle: n. 哈哈大笑;咯咯笑

- not quite there: 没达到那个级别;例句:We are ready to sue if necessary, but we’re not quite there yet. 如果有必要我们就起诉,不过现在还没到那个程度。

- yank: v. 猛拉;例句:She couldn’t open the door no matter how hard she yanked. 她无论怎么用力猛拽都不能打开那个门。

- the real thing: 本人,原装的东西;例句:I don’t want this watered down whiskey. Give me the real thing. 我不要这个兑水的破酒。给我倒点正经的酒。



  • hymiracle


    猫武士光族武士炽心 回复 @hymiracle: 一点都不可爱

  • 一个格兰芬多的哈迷


    不爱带眼镜的兔子 回复 @一个格兰芬多的哈迷: 赫敏之前还喜欢他…

  • 一个格兰芬多的哈迷

    我们一起骂洛哈特: 和我一起说三遍:洛哈特是一个爱慕虚荣的大骗子! 洛哈特是一个爱慕虚荣的大骗子! 洛哈特是一个爱慕虚荣的大骗子! 我说的是真的!不信你去看《哈利•波特与密室》!只要是看过正版的,就算是翻译过的书人都知道!

    昆仑山上的小金妮 回复 @一个格兰芬多的哈迷: 我服啦

  • 月坛一枝花

    昆仑山上的小金妮 回复 @月坛一枝花: 牛哇

  • 一只法法006


  • 食死徒Malfoy

    昆仑山上的小金妮 回复 @食死徒Malfoy: 纳尼,哼,哼,哈哈哈哈哈哈😄😆😂

  • hymiracle


    昆仑山上的小金妮 回复 @hymiracle: 嗯哼

  • 小学生牛掰


  • 排骨大宝
  • 冉墨莹Gening


    1808193pcuu 回复 @冉墨莹Gening: 啊对对对