


Miss Holocaust Survivor大屠杀幸存小姐

An annual Israeli beauty pageant crowned an 86-year-old grandmother Miss Holocaust Survivor; it was designed to honor women who endured the horrors of Nazi genocide.在一年一度的以色列选美比赛中,86岁的祖母成为大屠杀幸存者小姐;它是为了纪念那些经历过纳粹种族灭绝恐怖的女性。

Ranging in age from 79 to 90, the contestants wore fashionable clothes, and with full hair and makeup, they walked on the catwalk in Jerusalem.她们的年龄从79岁到90岁不等,她们穿着时尚的衣服,留着浓密的头发,化着浓妆,在耶路撒冷走猫步。

Organizers say that the contest presents glamour and respect to the shrinking number of Jewish women who lost their youth during World War II; later, they built new lives in Israel. The winner Salina Steinfeld was born in Romania where she survived Nazi attacks before moving to Israel in 1948. Other contestants included a woman born in Yugoslavia who survived a concentration camp in today´s Croatia.组织者说,这场比赛展示了魅力和对在第二次世界大战中失去青春的犹太女性人数减少的尊重;后来,他们在以色列建立了新的生活。获奖者赛利娜·斯坦菲尔德出生在罗马尼亚,她在那里躲过了纳粹的袭击,1948年移居以色列。其他参赛者包括一名出生在南斯拉夫的妇女,她在今天的克罗地亚的集中营中幸存下来。

Some critics and survivors worry that the event cheapens the memory of the 6 million Jews who the Nazis killed. However, others argue that the contestants deserve everyone to see the beauty in these women who went through such horror.一些批评人士和幸存者担心,这一事件降低了纳粹杀害的600万犹太人的记忆。然而,也有人认为,参赛者值得所有人看到这些经历过恐怖的女性身上的美丽。

Difficult words: pageant (a beauty contest), genocide (the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular country or ethnic group), cheapen (to make someone or something seem less valuable or important).难词:pageant(选美比赛),genocide(蓄意杀害某一特定国家或民族的大量人口),cheapen(使某人或某事显得不那么有价值或重要)。

