Thank you for calling the Daily News Information line on Canada.
Canada is a huge country, second in size only to the former SovietUnion. Yet it has only 26 million people, which is less than half thepopulation of the United Kingdom. It extends from the Great Lakes in thesouth to the majestic Rocky Mountains in the west, and the bleak ArcticIslands in the far north. A third of the country is covered by forest and thereare also vast grasslands and countless lakes and rivers.
There are great variations in climate. Winters are extremely cold exceptin Vancouver which has a milder climate owing to its location on the westcoast, so take a heavy overcoat and a fur hat. Canadian summers are warm onthe whole, especially inland, so you'll only need lightweight clothing.
A quarter of all Canadians, mainly those living in the province ofQuebec in the east, speak French as their first language. In addition, thereare half a million American Indians, a million Germans and smaller numbersof Italians, Ukranians and Inuit. Canada has two official languages: Englishand French, except in the province of Quebec where French alone is theofficial language. You'll find English spoken virtually everywhere apart fromQuebec and if you plan to visit Quebec City, you'll definitely need a French
phrasebook if you don't speak French.
Eating out is a pleasure in Canada and you'll find restaurants, coffeeshops and snack bars to suit every pocket. Menus offer a wide choice withexcellent seafood like Pacific salmon, lobsters and clams, meat dishesincluding moose steaks and beefsteaks, and also a range of ethnic foods.For the sweet course, the specialty/speciality is waffles, a kind of thickpancake, served with maple syrup. Beer is good but foreign wines, even thosefrom neighboring America, tend to be quite dear and local wines are notparticularly good.
Canada has some of the world's most modern shopping centers. Clothestend to be slightly expensive by European standards but there are somebargains to be had. Good buys include moccasins, a kind of soft leather shoemade by Indians, woolen gloves and sweaters, wood carvings, leather goodsand maple syrup, of course.
The unit of currency is the Canadian dollar. Banking hours are from 10a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday and till later on Fridays.
Have a good trip, and thank you for calling the information line.