25.按图索骥(上)To Recognize A Good Steed

25.按图索骥(上)To Recognize A Good Steed


To Recognize A Good Steed 按图索骥

In the Spring and Autumn Period, a man named Bo Le is an expert in identifying a good horse. 

He put his experiences in this area into his book Physiognomy Of Horses, which illustrated all kinds of horses with rich pictures and words.

His son wanted to learn his skill about identifying a good horse. Then he read the book carefully over and over again. 

He thought he had mastered the skill. 

Once he saw a toad along the road, whose forehead was in accord with the features of a good horse. 

Then he rushed to his father and told him he had found a good steed. Hearing this, Bo Le didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. He had to reply jokingly: “ This horse does too  well in jumping, so it’s hard for us to rein it. ”



