第25期【死磕英语180天计划】火爆报名中,可以保存下图也可添加老师:wsedu10 一次真正的英语系统化提升,职场能说·生活能用·应试能过。学习时间可以碎片化,但学习体系不能
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莉莉读书 回复 @莉莉读书: Thank you for what you have done😀
You should take a page from her book, she never cares about others. The man is talent, but sometimes he just like a closed book. We are fully booked on weekends.
She said that it is fated for her to be a teacher. I have sworn off eating hamburger. Are you let he swear at yourself?
1.you should take a page from her,she never mind others opinion 2.he is very literate,but he is a closed book 3.our weekend is full booked
a closed book 一窍不通 fully booked 客满了,没位置了