I was lucky Hawkins was with me,said Silver,or old John would be dead by now,for sure.幸亏霍金斯在我身边。西尔弗说,否则我老约翰早死了。By this time,we were at the boats.这时我们已到停着小船的地方。The doctor smashed one with an axe,and then we all got into the other and rowed to North Inlet.大夫用斧子砸了一只船,然后我们乘上另一只船向北边划去。The Hispaniola was moving by herself now,the sea high enough to take her off the beach.伊斯帕尼奥拉号在水上漂浮着,海水较深,使得大船漂离了海滩。We went round to Rum Cove,the nearest landing place for Ben Gunn's cave of treasure,我们绕道来到最靠近本·葛恩的藏宝洞的朗姆酒湾,then Gray left us there before rowing back to guard the ship for the night.然后格雷乘小船到伊斯帕尼奥拉号上过夜守船。Mr Trelawney met us at the cave.屈利劳尼先生在洞口迎接我们。He didn't blame me for my desertion,他并没责备我逃跑的事,but he spoke differently to Silver.但和西尔弗说话的口气就截然不同了。Silver,he said,you're a scoundrel and a murderer,but I'm told that I must save you from the law.西尔弗,他说,你是个大坏蛋和刽子手,但是他们却要我不对你提出控告。Thank you,sir,replied Long John.谢谢你,先生,高个约翰说。I don't want your thanks!cried the squire.我不需要你道谢!乡绅喊道。We all entered the cave.It was large and pleasant,with fresh water coming from a place in the ground,and a floor of sand.我们都进了洞穴。洞里宽阔而空气流通,一股清泉从地上流过。Captain Smollett lay in front of a big fire,and in a corner I saw coins and gold bars.斯摩列特船长躺在一堆篝火前,而在另一个角落我看见了金币和金条。It was Flint's treasure!是弗林特的宝藏!