27. Field of Flowers

27. Field of Flowers


27- Field of Flowers

It was spring and everyone was enjoying the plentiful food in the meadow. Little Nutbrown Hare was eager to pick a tasty breakfast to share with his father Big Nutbrown Hare.

“Are these ripe yet?”

“Yes, they look good.”

When he was surprised by a most unusual event.

“Oh look! A walking flower.”

“Good morning, Nutbrown Hares.”

“Hello! Little Field Mouse.”

“That’s a good hiding spot.”

“It isn’t a hiding spot, Big Nutbrown Hare. It’s a flower.”

“Indeed it is. A wonderful flower.”

“A very wonderful flower. It’s so big and so purple.”

“There’s plenty more, just like this one in the meadow. I’ll show you if you like. Can I have a flower too?

“Of course.”

“My own purple flower. It’s very special.”

“So is this one, and this one.”

“For you.”

“And for you.”

“Oh! This one is lovely.”

“But this one is even more lovely.”

“This is the loveliest ever.”

“But this is the most loveliest of all.”

“The most loveliest. Let’s give these flowers to Big Nutbrown Hare, he will love them.”


“What is it?”

“What’s about all our friends? They won’t have any. We could pick some for them too.”

“Good idea.”

“Hello, Little Nutbrown Hare. Hello, Little Field Mouse.”

“Hello, Blue Bird! Aren’t these flowers lovely?”

“They are. But don’t pick too many.”

“But… why?”

“Because they’re for everyone to share.”


“Good bye.”

“Good bye Blue Bird!”

“OH we don’t have any flowers for Blue Bird.”

“You’re right. Let’s pick an extra big bunch for her.”

“Blue Bird will love these.”

“Look! There are hardly any flowers left.”

“Oh no.”

“Blue Bird told us not to pick too many.”

“That’s right. The flowers are here to share. But we are sharing them. We have some for everyone.”

“For you.”

“Thank you.”

“For you.”

“Thank you. How lovely!”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Do you like them?”

“They are beautiful.”

“The last bunch.”

“Blue Bird! We have something for you.”

“Hmmm…how beautiful! Thank you.”

“Now we’re given flowers to all our friends.”

“All of your friends?”

“Here are goes butterflies again.”

“I wonder why they followed us all this way.”

“It’s because they like the nectar from the flowers.”

“Nectar? What’s that?”

“Nectar is their food and drink. I wonder why they didn’t stay at the flower bed where you get those flowers.”

“I don’t know.”

“There were plenty of flowers there.”

“Oh, well, there were plenty of flowers there.”

“How many did you pick?”

“Quite a few.”

“Quite a lot.”

“A bunch for everyone.”

“Oh dear.”

“We didn’t mean to it.”

“We know you told us not to.”

“We just stop picking, and before we know it. Oh… we pick them all.”

“But there are so many other flowers here. Why don’t the butterflies drink nectar from them?”

“They love those flowers more than others. They do love these purple ones.”

“These bunches of flowers won’t be enough for all these butterflies, will it?”


“Oh no, we’ve taken all the butterflies flowers. The poor butterflies.”

“Wait a minute. I flew over a big field of purple flowers this morning.”

“Did you?”


“It’s quite a long way away. If only we could find a way to get the butterflies to there.”

“They do like thirsty.”

“I have an idea. Blue Bird, if you lead the way, we could follow you. To the field of purple flowers.”


“And we’ll use this bunch of flowers to lead butterflies there.”

“That’s a great idea!”

“All right! Let’s go!”

“Don’t worry, Little Butterflies. We soon get you to a whole field of flowers.”

“Can you see me up here?”

“We see you, Blue Bird.”

“The butterflies aren’t following us.”

“They aren’t?”

“They must be very tired and thirsty.”

“What can we do?”

“I know. Here you are, butterflies. Have a little drink. And here’s another little drink.”

“A trail of flowers. What a wonderful idea, Little Field Mouse.”

“This where you, Little Butterflies.”

“Just keep following the trail. We are ready, Blue Bird.”

“Then, we’re off.”

“This is the last flower.”

“But we’re not there yet.”

“Yes, we are. Look.”

“So much purple!”

“Goodbye, Little Butterflies.”

“We did it! Little Field Mouse.”

“We did it! We did it!”

“You certainly did.”

“You know, the flowers we picked were lovely. But this whole field is amazing.”

“Yes, it is.”

“It’s the most amazing a thing I’ve ever seen.”

“You know. I’m never gonna pick so many flowers ever again.”

“No, me either. After all, they are there for everyone to share.”

“Even butterflies.”

“Especially butterflies.”

Little Nutbrown Hare had learned something very special that day. From then on, he looked at things a little differently.

“We had the most wonderful day. We picked all these flowers.”

“Oh, how many?”

“So many. Because the butterflies needed them as well.”

“Did they?”

“Yes. Flowers are there for everyone to share.”

“That’s right, my Little Nutbrown Hare.”

“And I have something to share with you.”

“You do.”

“It’s a secret. Guess how much I love.”

“As much as butterflies love flowers?”

“As much as butterflies and flowers love each other.”

“Let’s go home.”

