《三体》英文简化版 第三集

《三体》英文简化版 第三集


General Chang said, “Recently, the enemy has intensified the attacks. The targets were mainly elite scientists. Please take look at the list of names in the document.”

Wang took out the first page of the document, printed in large font. The list contained both Chinese and English names.

“Professor Wang, as you look through these names, does anything strike you?” General Chang asked.

“I know three of the names. All of them are famous scholars working at the forefront of physics research.” Wang was a little distracted. He stared at the last name on the list.

How can her name appear here? What happened to her?

“You know her?” Shi pointed to the name.

Wang did not reply.

“Ha. Don’t know her. But want to know her?”

Now Wang Miao believed that Shi, who appeared so rude and careless, had eyes as sharp as knives. Maybe he wasn’t a good cop, but he was certainly a fearsome one.

Intensify v.

e.g. The debate was intensified when the Prime Minister joined in.

Intense adj. 度的

e.g The job demands intense concentration

Elite n. 精英,杰出人才,中分子,掌控的人

He is the football team’s elite.

Elite troops were sent to the battle zone.

Distract v. 干扰,打搅

The student was distracted by the noise outside classroom.

Fearsome adj. 可怕的,狠角色

A year earlier, Wang Miao had been in charge of the nanoscale components for the Sinotron II high-energy particle accelerator project. One afternoon, during a brief break at the Liangxiang construction site, Wang saw a slim young woman who looked like a single flower was blooming in a metal ruin after a violent thunderstorm. It was Yang Dong, the first experiment on this twenty-billion-yuan accelerator would probably be to test her superstring model.

As Yang walked over and passed wang, she smiled at him and the others, nodding lightly without saying anything. Wang remembered her limpid eyes.

“All the physicists on this list have committed suicide in the last two months,” General Chang said.

Wang was thunderstruck.

“When … did this happen?” He asked.

“Do you mean the last name?” Shi responded. “She was the last to commit suicide—two nights ago, overdosed on sleeping pills. She died very peacefully. No pain.”

“Why?” Wang asked.

General Chang replied, “The only thing we knew is: The reason that drove all of them to suicide was same. Maybe it’s impossible for us non-specialists to even understand the reason. The document contains main content of their suicide notes for everyone to go through after the meeting.”

Sinotron II 二号

Sino- 中国的

-tron suffix. 表示某种电子设备,装置的后缀

e.g. electron 电子, cyclotron 粒子回旋加速器

Particle accelerator 粒子加速器

Particle n. 粒子,微粒,颗粒

Accelerate v. 加速 acceleration n. 加速度

Superstring Model 超弦模型

Limpid  adj. 清澈的,清晰透明的

  • 如鱼饮水_fc


    象牙塔里的挽歌 回复 @如鱼饮水_fc: 真是对不起各位喜欢这个节目的朋友,我的更新无法按照一定的规律,环境所限只能不定期更新。但可以保证的是,无论多慢,都会坚持做下去。

  • 华清音声


  • Ryan_YY


  • 第二宇宙速度
