151. I Want All of Them

151. I Want All of Them


Betty was excited. It was December 1. Christmas Day was only 24 days away. She was looking at a magazine. It was a magazine for little girls. There were many pictures in the magazine. There were many pictures of dolls. The dolls were from many countries. There were dolls from Mexico. There were dolls from China. There were dolls from France. There were dolls from everywhere. There were so many dolls. She showed the pictures to her mom. "Mommy, will Santa bring me all these dolls?" she asked. "No, honey," her mom said, "Santa will bring you only one doll. So pick the one you like best." "But, Mommy," she said, "I like them ALL the best."
贝蒂很兴奋。那是12月1日。离圣诞节只有24天了。她正在看一本杂志。那是一本小女孩的杂志。杂志上有许多图片。有许多娃娃的照片。这些娃娃来自许多国家。有来自墨西哥的娃娃。有来自中国的娃娃。有来自法国的娃娃。还有来自各地的娃娃。有这么多的娃娃。她把这些照片给她妈妈看。"她问:"妈妈,圣诞老人会给我带来所有这些娃娃吗?"不,宝贝,"她妈妈说,"圣诞老人只会给你带来一个娃娃。所以要选一个你最喜欢的。" "但是,妈妈,"她说,"我最喜欢它们。"
Betty 贝蒂 ; 做妇女所做之琐事者 ; 一种用水果
Christmas Day 圣诞节(12月25日)
looking at 看 ; 考虑
dolls 玩偶 ; 玩具娃娃 ; 俊妞,甜姐儿,美人儿 ; 把…打扮漂亮 ; doll的第三人称单数和复数
so many 那么多的 ; 很多 ; 和…一样多的 ; 全都是
Mommy 妈咪
only one 唯一 ; 只有一个 ; 独一无二
the one 【电影】救世主 ; 平行歼灭战
like best 最喜欢
ALL the best 一切顺利 ; 万事如意 ; 祝你万事如意

  • lyndon0044

    I like them ALL the best.

  • 果脯空军

  • 抱走厦门
