Susan三叶草 2021年10月21日 上午6:33

Susan三叶草 2021年10月21日 上午6:33

Motivation Matters in Places You Might Not Expect
When you really understand what motivates people, it becomes illuminating in all kinds of situations- not just in people's careers. My two oldest children taught me an important dimension of Herzberg's theory on motivation.When we bought our first house,I saw a place in the backyard that would be perfect for building a kids 'playhouse.Matthew and Ann were the perfect ages for this kind of activity,and we threw our hearts into this project.We spent weeks selecting the lumber,picking the shingles for the house,working our way up through the platform, the sides, the roof.I'd get the nails most of the way in and let them deliver the finishing blows.It took longer that way,of course,figuring out whose turn it was for every stroke of the hammer and cut of the saw.It was fun,however,to see their feelings of pride.When their friends came to play,the first thing my children would do was take them into the backyard and show them the progress.And when I came home,their first question was when could we get back to work.
