26. Alice in wonderland爱丽丝漫游仙境(上)

26. Alice in wonderland爱丽丝漫游仙境(上)


One day, Aliceand her sister sat near a stream, reading a book. Suddenly, Alice saw a whiterabbit rushing past her, mumbling something to himself. He was wearing awaistcoat and had a watch in his hand.

Now Alice hadnever seen a rabbit in a waistcoat. So, she decided to follow him. He quicklywent down a rabbit hole. The moment Alice stepped into the hole, she fell down.She kept on falling deeper into the never-ending hole!

On the wayAlice saw many things falling along with her – a table, a book, a pocket watch,a bottle, playing cards, fruits, and cakes. The hole seemed like a tunnel. ‘AmI falling or flying?’ wondered Alice.

Finally,Alice landed on the floor of a huge room. She saw a key on the table and asmall door. Alice used the key to unlock the door, but it was so small that shecould not go through it.

Then, shesaw a bottle with a label, ‘DRINK ME!’ Alice picked it up and drank from it. Withevery sip, she became smaller and smaller… until she was the size of a tinymouse.

Throughsurprised, Alice was happy that now she could go through the small door. Thedoor led to a beautiful garden. And there on a toadstool, sat a caterpillar, smoking!

He askedAlice, ‘Who are you? Why are you here?’ Alice said, ‘I am Alice and I amlooking for a white rabbit wearing a waistcoat. Can you help me find him?’

