12.Chapter 12

12.Chapter 12


  The judge was an old, kind man, but his face was very serious as he looked at me. He asked a number of men to tell me what they had seen and found the night before.

  The first man told his story.He and his son were coming home from a long day's fishing.It was a dark night,and on the beach they had fallen over the dead body of a man.They had carried the body to the nearest house,and found that it was a good-looking young man about twenty-five years old.There were the marks of fingers round his neck.When they spoke of the marks of fingers,I remembered the murder of my brother and I felt a terrible fear.

  The son then told his story.He had seen a boat with a man in it, not far from the beach. He thought it was my boat.A woman had also seen a man in a boat sailing away from the beach.She thought I was the man.

  Then I was taken to the room where the dead body lay.How can I tell you what I felt when I saw the body?I put my arms round it and cried:‘What have I done? My friend!My dear friend!’The body was Henry Clerval's,and so now I had destroyed another person.

  This third death was too much for me.I fell down in a kind of madness,and they had to carry me from the room. For two months I was very ill and wished only to die.But slowly my madness left me,and my health began to return.At last I was able to speak to Judge Kerwin,and I asked for news of my family.

  ‘There is someone here who can answer your question better than I can,’he said.‘Your father arrived a few minutes ago,and is waiting to see you.’

  For the first time since Henry's death I felt some happiness.I held out my hands to my father as he came into the room, and he took me in his arms. He gave me the good news that Elizabeth and Ernest were safe and well.

  I was really too ill to travel,but I asked my father to take me home immediately.The police had found somebody who had seen me on my island at the time of the murder,and so the judge let me go free.

  My father looked after me on the long journey home,and sat with me for every minute.Night after night while I was asleep,I shouted that I was the murderer of William,Justine,and Henry.My father asked me why I said these awful things.I wanted to answer his question,but I could not tell him my terrible secret.He thought that I was still a little mad.

  We stayed for a few days in Paris on the way home, and Elizabeth wrote to me at our hotel.This is what her letter said:

  My dearest Victor,

  I am so happy to know that you will soon be home.But I am afraid that Henry's death is not the only reason for your sadness.Do you still want to marry me, or do you love an-other woman? You must tell me.

  I love you,Victor,and I dream of the day when I shall be your wife.But I do not want you to marry me just because your parents wanted it.I can only be happy if you are happy.

  Do not answer this letter.Wait until you arrive before you give me your answer.But if you are well,and if I can make you smile,I need nothing more to make me happy.

With all my love,


  I replied immediately.I told her that I loved her very much and wanted to marry her.

  I remembered the monster's promise to be with me on the night of my wedding.Let him come.We would fight to the death on that night. And after that fight,I would either be dead and at peace,or alive and free… free to be happy with Elizabeth.

  We arrived in Geneva soon after my letter had reached Elizabeth.It was wonderful to see her again.She ran into my arms and I held her close.She cried when she saw how thin and old I looked.She, too, was thinner because she had worried about me so much.But her gentleness and her love made her as beautiful as ever.

  We agreed that the wedding would be in ten days'time.As the day came nearer,I became more and more afraid.I tried to hide my fear,and laughed and smiled as often as I could.Elizabeth knew that I was unhappy, but she was sure she could give me happiness.She looked forward to our wedding.

  I began to carry a gun and a knife with me everywhere I went.

