Overconfidence , disinhibition, ignoring the interest of others
“Power corrupts” is mostly true
Studies of he effects of power on the power holder consistently find that power produces overconfidence and risk taking , insensitivity to others, steroeotyping and a tendency to see other people as means to power holder’s gratification
Not letting power go to your head and acting as if you were all-powerful can help you maintain your position
Misplaced or too much trust
As you become less vigilant and paranoid about others’, they have the opportunity to take you out
People lose patience
The people in power can just get sloppy • they no longer choose their words carefully
It is easier to lose your patience when you’re in power • power leads to disinhibition
Loosing patience causes people to lose control and offend others • can cost them their jobs
People get tried From the stress and the grind
If you feel yourself getting tried or burned out and you hold a position of substantial power, you might as well leave • you won’t do well with people trying to wrest your positions from you