Part 1
Long ago, in a faraway place, there lived a lovely princess named Snow White. Her hair was black as coal, her lips red as rose, and her skin as white as snow. Snow White's stepmother, the Queen, was very cruel.
She hated anyone who was more beautiful than she. The Queen treated Snow White like a servant. Snow White never complained. She was obedient and hard-working, but she dreamed of a handsome prince who would take her away to his castle. One day, while drawing water from the well, a handsome stranger did appear, charmed by Snow White's singing.
Jessie_摩羯座教英语 回复 @听友90316104: 亲 感谢你的收听哦 这是美国版本的 没有翻译 很抱歉 如果是给孩子收听 就对照中文版本的小红帽讲解大意就可以 如果是自己学习英文 可以报我们的课程 有讲解的中文翻译和发音练习指导 🙏