Hello. My name is Mike. I'm from Canada, and this is for. The question today is do you like going out to bars?Well, I'm a little indifferent about that question. Sometimes I like going out to bars and sometimes I don't. I like going out to bars when I can go with my girlfriend or go with a couple friends, have a few drinks, relax, talk. That's the type of time I like to spend at bars. But the type of time I don't like to spend at bars is when I go to the bar and I get completely wasted and I spend all my money and I go to sleep really late. I end up waking up feeling really sick and I look in my wallet and I have no money left and I'm starting to hate myself for going to the bar, and those are the times when I don't like going to bars, but if it's just going to bars and having a few drinks with friends, I think it's a great idea. I'd do it all the time.
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