Cities and Desire 3.
Despina can be reached in two ways: by ship or by camel. The city displays one face to the traveler arriving overland and a different one to him who arrives by sea.
When the camel driver sees, at the horizon of the tableland[ˈteɪbllænd]高原, the pinnacles [ˈpɪnəkəlz]尖顶 of the skyscrapers [ˈskaɪˌskreɪpərz]摩天大楼 come into view, the radar antennae, the white and red windsocks风向袋 flapping, the chimneys belching[ˈbeltʃɪŋ]喷出 smoke, he thinks of a ship; he knows it is a city, but he thinks of it as a vessel [ˈvesl]大船 that will take him away from the desert, a windjammer帆船 about tocast off解缆, with the breeze already swelling [ˈswelɪŋ]鼓出 the sails [seɪlz]帆 , not yet unfurled [ˌʌnˈfɜːrld]展开, or a steamboat汽船with its boiler [ˈbɔɪlər]锅炉 vibrating[ˈvaɪbreɪtɪŋ]振动 in the iron keel [kiːl]龙骨; and he thinks of all the ports, the foreign merchandise [ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪz]商品 the cranes [kreɪnz]起重机 unload on the docks, the taverns [ˈtævərnz]酒馆 where crews全体船员 of different flags break bottles over one another's heads, the lighted, ground-floor windows, each with a woman combing her hair.
In the coastline's haze, the sailor discerns[dɪˈsɜːrnz]分辨出 the form of a camel's withers[ˈwɪðərz]鬐甲, an embroidered刺绣 saddle[ˈsædl]马鞍 with glittering fringe[frɪndʒ]流苏 between two spotted humps[hʌmps]驼峰, advancing [ədˈvænsɪŋ]前进 and swaying [ˈsweɪɪŋ]摇摆; he knows it is a city, but he thinks of it as a camel from whose pack背包 hang wineskins酒囊 and bags of candied fruit, date wine枣椰酒, tobacco leaves, and already he sees himself at the head of a long caravan [ˈkærəvæn]旅行队 taking him away from the desert of the sea, toward oases[oʊˈeɪsiz]绿洲 of fresh water in the palm [pɑːm]棕榈 trees' jagged [ˈdʒæɡɪd]参差不齐 shade, toward palaces of thick, whitewashed walls, tiled [taɪld]铺地砖 courts庭院 where girls are dancing barefoot赤脚, moving their arms, half-hidden by their veils [veɪlz]面纱, and half-revealed.
Each city receives收到 its form from the desert it opposes [əˈpoʊzɪz]与…对垒 ; and so the camel driver and the sailor see Despina, a border[ˈbɔːrdər]边境 city between two deserts.