cold=冷,feet=脚,那cold feet是啥?

cold=冷,feet=脚,那cold feet是啥?



I was going to try bungee jumping, but I got cold feet.

He is always talking about his big plans to be a great actor. You should tell him to keep his feet on the ground.

You need someone to take the pressure off and help you get back on your feet.


cold feet.jpg



get cold feet (about sth)



If you get cold feet about something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail.


The government is getting cold feet about the reforms.


Good luck getting her out on stage—she always gets cold feet before a performance.


I was going to try bungee jumping, but I got cold feet.



have/keep one’s feet on the ground



If you say that someone has their feet on the ground, you approve of the fact that they have a sensible and practical attitude toward life, and do not have unrealistic ideas.


In that respect, he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away.


He is always talking about his big plans to be a great actor. You should tell him to keep his feet on the ground.

他总是在谈论他要成为一个伟大演员的宏伟计划。 你应该告诉他要脚踏实地一点。


get/be back on one's feet


If you say that someone or something is on their feet again after an illness or difficult period, you mean that they have recovered and are back to normal.


Jill is happy to be back on her feet again after her hospital stay.


You need someone to take the pressure off and help you get back on your feet.


