Susan三叶草 2021年9月24日 上午6:39

Susan三叶草 2021年9月24日 上午6:39

These theories are powerful tools. I have applied many of them in my own life; others I wish I'd had available to me when I was younger, struggling with a problem. You'll see that without theory, we're at sea without a sextant. If we can't see beyond what's close by,we're relying on chance- on the currents of life— to guide us.Good theory helps people steer to good decisions- not just in business, but in life, too.

You might be tempted to try to make decisions in your life based on what you know has happened in the past or what has happened to other people.You should learn all that you can from the past; from scholars who have studied it, and from people who have gone through problems of the sort that you are likely to face. But this doesn't solve the fundamental challenge of what information and what advice you should accept,and which you should ignore as you embark into the future.Instead, using robust theory to predict what will happen has a much greater chance of success.The theories in this book are based on a deep understanding of human endeavor— what causes what to hap- pen,and why.They've been rigorously examined and used in organizations all over the globe, and can help all of us with decisions that we make every day in our lives,too.

