


1.devote [dɪ'vəʊt]

 vt. 致力于,奉献 devotion n.

 He devoted his whole life to scientific research.


2.dedicate ['dedɪkeɪt]
 vt. 致力于,献身 dedication n.
 As a teacher, I dedicate myself to my work and my students. 

 3.sacrifice ['sækrɪfaɪs]
 v. 牺牲
 She sacrificed family life to her career. 
 make sacrifices for 为…做出牺牲 

 4.occupy ['ɒkjʊpaɪ]
 v. 占,占领,使忙碌 
 occupation n. 占有,职业
 Protesting students occupied the university office for two weeks. 
 On long journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles. 

 5.attribute [ə'trɪbjuːt]
 vt. 归属,把…归于
 n. 属性,特质
 Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck. 

6.contribute [kən'trɪbjuːt]
 v. 贡献,捐献,投稿
 Tourism contributes much to the local economy.
 She contributes to several magazines. 
 make contributions to 为…做出贡献 

 7.distribute [dɪ'strɪbjuːt]
 vt. 分配,散布 
 distribution n. 
 distributor n. 分销商
 Their teacher distributed a review for the exam.

 8.endow [ɪn'daʊ]
 vt. 捐赠,赋予,天生具有 
 He endowed many teaching buildings for schools or universities. 
 People think Jefferson was endowed with great wisdom. 

 9.donate [də(ʊ)'neɪt]
 v. 捐赠,捐献 donation n.
 David Beckham will donate his wages to children's charity. 

10.sponsor ['spɒnsə]

 v. 赞助,发起

 n. 赞助人

 We are trying to find companies to sponsor us.


