Susan三叶草 2021年9月11日 下午1:24

Susan三叶草 2021年9月11日 下午1:24

I participate in these discussions with more history than my students do, but I follow the same rules. We are there to explore not what we hope will happen to us but rather what the theories predict will happen to us,as a result of different decisions and actions. Because I've been present in these discussions over many years, I've learned more about these issues than any one group of my students ever has.To even the score with them,however, I have shared stories about how these theories have played out in my life.
To help structure this discussion, I write the theories we have studied along the top of the chalkboard. Then I write three simple questions beside those theories:
How can I be sure that
1.I will be successful and happy in my career?
2.My relationships with my spouse, my children, and my extended family and close friends become an enduring source of happiness?
3.I live a life of integrity- and stay out of jail?
These questions might sound simple,but they are questions that so many of my classmates never asked, or had asked but lost track of what they learned.
Year after year I have been stunned at how the theories of the course illuminate issues in our personal lives as they do in the companies we've studied.In this book,I will try to summarize some of the best of the insights my students and I have discussed on that last day in class.
