Why do people take extreme action? Hate crime? Bombing?
How should we fix it ??
Mind parasite
• parasite that literally infect the mind
Mind immune system. How do they work? Why they failed?
Cultural immune system
Use immunology terms. Make us approach this issue better
Jonathan Hadit “ the rightous mind”
• Our brain has tribal ARCH
• Our thinking is bend to tribal solidarity
We failed to asked basic problems, other suffer for it
Mental malware
Ex: good memes spread, gossip
Ideas spread no matter good or bad
Ex: why newspaper does not report us ideas, give others ideas, give others permission
->the meaning take on a life of its own
Bad ideas have all the properties of a parasite
• harmful by defin
Up to us to filter out bad ideas
• we need to call out bad ideas, just as important as calling out bad action