Four short Qs

Four short Qs




记得练完题目一定要朗读文本哦~  (*^▽^*)




1.    (a)   6:30 pm

        (b)   (a) purse

2.     (a)  face(-)painting

        (b)  (in) reception

3.     (a)  (old) coins

        (b)  (at)(the) library

4.     (a)  (a) castle

        (b)  40 000/ forty thousand 


Question 1

M: male, late teens 

F: female, late teens

M: * I’ve no idea how I’m going to get to Kate’s birthday party tonight, do you?

F: My dad offered to give me a lift. Shall we pick you up?

M: That’d be great, thanks! I’ll be ready at six.

F: The party starts at seven and it’s not far, so if we get you at six thirty that’ll give us plenty of time.Anyway, what did you get Kate for her birthday?

M: I thought about jewellery, but then went for a purse. What do you reckon?F: Well, I don’t think she’s got one, so that’s a good idea. I got her a scarf! *

Question 2

M: male speaker, late forties

M: *I ’d like to say a few words about the recent event at school to raise money for a local charity.Those of you who attended will know that we had a variety of activities – from sports competitionsto cake sales. But it was the face painting that attracted most interest: it raised £178! A big thankyou to everyone who worked hard to make it such a great success. We’ll be including all thephotos in the next edition of the school magazine, but we’ve already put a few of the best ones upin reception if you can’t wait until then. *

Question 3

M: male, twenties, mild Australian accent 

F: female, twenties, mild US accent

F: * Do you fancy going to the gallery this weekend?

M: What’s on? Is it the wildlife photographs? By the guy who grew up in Russia?

F: That’s finished already. Though I’ve got to say his snow fox pictures were stunning! It’s the oneabout old coins I was thinking about.

M: OK, I’ve got some free time on Saturday.

F: Sure. I’ll be at the swimming pool until three, so we could meet at the café there ...?

M: I’ll be studying at the library, so why don’t you come and find me there when you’re ready? It’s justround the corner from the gallery, isn’t it?

F: OK, see you then. *

Question 4

M: male newsreader, forties

M: * Now for an unusual piece of news. Robert Bezeau is a designer who’s been working with plasticbottles. Although plastic bottles have previously been used in the construction of houses and evenroads, Bezeau was the first person to create a castle using these objects. He built it on an islandin Panama to show how plastic waste can be re-used. Did you know you need on average sixteenthousand bottles to build a one hundred-square-metre house? That’s a lot, though he needed fortythousand to complete his project. Amazingly, they were all collected from the island. The islandattracts over one hundred thousand tourists each year, who leave behind over one million plasticbottles! *


