

46THE SHEPHERD'S BOY ANDTHE WOLF牧童和狼A Shepherd's Boy was tending his flock near a village, and thought itwould be great fun to hoax the villagers by pretending that a Wolf wasattacking the sheep: so he shouted out, "Wolf! wolf!" and when the peoplecame running up he laughed at them for their pains. He did this more thanonce, and every time the villagers found they had been hoaxed, for there wasno Wolf at all. At last a Wolf really did come, and the Boy cried, "Wolf!wolf!" as loud as he could: but the people were so used to hearing him callthat they took no notice of his cries for help. And so the Wolf had it all hisown way, and killed off sheep after sheep at his leisure.You cannot believe a liar even when he tells the truth.{中文阅读}一个牧童正赶着羊群走回村子,心想通过假装狼袭击羊群就能愚弄一下村民,这样就更好玩了。于是,他大喊道:“狼来了!狼来了!”人们听到喊声纷纷跑来,而牧童却冲着他们大笑,嘲弄他们的感受。之后,牧童再次如法炮制,这次村民又被骗了,因为根本没有什么狼。最后,真的来了一只狼,牧童拼命大喊:“狼来了!狼来了!”此时,先前听过他叫喊的那些人再也不把他当一回事了。于是,狼悠闲自在地杀死了所有的羊。骗子即便说实话,也无法得到信任。
