夏说英文晨读:小学一二年级取消纸笔考试 0902

夏说英文晨读:小学一二年级取消纸笔考试 0902

Beijing on Monday cancelled written exams for six- and seven-year-olds, as part of wide-ranging education reforms aimed at relieving pressure on pupils and parents in China's hyper-competitive school system.
China's exam-oriented system previously required students to take exams from first grade onwards, culminating in the feared university entrance exam at age 18 known as the gaokao, where a single score can determine a child's life trajectory.

"Too frequent exams...which cause students to be overburdened and under huge exam pressure," have been axed by the Ministry of Education, according to new guidelines released Monday.


1. wide-ranging adj. 广泛的
· wide-ranging interests 广泛的兴趣爱好
2. relieve pressure 缓解压力
· Young people nowadays are looking for ways to relieve the pressure of modern life.
3. hyper-competitive adj. 竞争过于激烈的
· 前缀hyper-above(超出,高于),competitive 竞争的
· hyperactive adj. 过分活跃的
· hypersensitive adj. 过于敏感的
· hyper /ˈhaɪpər/ adj. 亢奋的(very excited or active)
· I get hyper when I drink too much coffee.

4. exam-oriented adj. 以考试为导向的
· oriented adj. 以……为导向的,重视……的(n. orient)
· money-oriented adj. 以金钱为导向的
5. culminate /ˈkʌlməneɪt/ v. 以……结束(end with)
· The gala culminated in a firework display.
6. life trajectory 人生轨迹

7. overburdened adj. 负担过重的
8. under huge pressure 承受巨大压力
9. axe /æks/ v. 精简,大量削减(常用被动be axed) n. 斧子
