I go back into the bedroom. I still have the picture in my hand- the one of me and the man I had woken up with- and I hold it in front of me.
‘What’s going on?’ I say. I am screaming; tears run down my face. The man is sitting up in bed, his eyes half closed. ‘Who are you?’
‘I’m your husband,’ he says. His face is sleepy, without a trace of annoyance. He does not look at my naked body. ‘We’ve been married for years.’
‘What do you mean?’ I say. I want to run, but there is nowhere to go. ‘“Married for years”? What do you mean?’
He stands up. ‘Here,’ he says, and passes me the dressing gown, waiting while I put it on.
He is wearing pyjama trousers that are too big for him, a white vest. He reminds me of my father.
‘We got married in nineteen eighty-five,’ he says. ‘Twenty-two years ago. You—’
‘What—?’ I feel the blood drain from my face, the room begin to spin.
A clock ticks, somewhere in the house, and it sounds as loud as a hammer. ‘But—’ He takes a step towards me. ‘How—?’
‘Christine, you’re forty-seven now,’ he says. I look at him, this stranger who is smiling at me.
I don’t want to believe him, don’t want even to hear what he’s saying, but he carries on. ‘You had an accident,’ he says. ‘A bad accident. You suffered head injuries. You have problems remembering things.’
‘What things?’ I say, meaning, Surely not the last twenty-five years? ‘What things?’
He steps towards me again, approaching me as if I am a frightened animal. ‘Everything,’ he says. ‘Sometimes starting from your early twenties. Sometimes even earlier than that.’
My mind spins, whirring with dates and ages. I don’t want to ask, but know that I must. ‘When… when was my accident?’
He looks at me, and his face is a mixture of compassion and fear. ‘When you were twenty-nine…’
I close my eyes. Even as my mind tries to reject this information I know, somewhere, that it is true.