【外教纯享】Chapter 23 | Summer's Back(Part 2)

【外教纯享】Chapter 23 | Summer's Back(Part 2)







Not far away, Olaf was happily enjoying the summer weather with the help of his little snow cloud. He held a big bouquet of flowers up to his nose and took a deep sniff. Suddenly, he sneezed— and his carrot nose shot off his face!

Sven was standing nearby, and with a quick movement of his head, the reindeer reached out and caught the carrot in his mouth. For a moment, it looked like Sven might chomp down on his favorite food. But instead, he gave the carrot back to Olaf, who happily popped the carrot back onto his face.

Just past Olaf, Anna saw something else that brought a smile to her face. The gates to the castle were wide open. Elsa stood in the courtyard. All around her, people were putting on ice skates. And the parts of the castle that had been destroyed earlier were now fully repaired — with ice!

"Are you ready?" Elsa was asking the crowd. She raised her arms, swirled them in the air, and created a beautiful ice rink!

Anna ran to her sister. "The gates are open," she said. "I like it."

Elsa put an arm around Anna. "Let's never close them again." Then, with a smile, she pulled Anna onto the ice so the two could skate around the rink, together at last.

Behind them, Sven ventured out onto the ice, too. But his skating didn't come so easily. His legs slipped and twisted as he struggled to keep his balance. Anxious for his friend, Kristoff chased after Sven, awkwardly trying to keep him upright.

Last came Olaf, who slid over to Anna and Elsa. Together, they all skated happily across the ice. Summer — as well as love and happiness — had finally returned to Arendelle.

  • 恋羽Qm
