This lesson offers you a break from Korean grammar and allows you to focus more on vocabulary. With these Word Builder lessons, many (not all) of the words, or word elements, are based on Chinese characters (한자) but the meaning can differ from modern-day Chinese. You do not have to memorize all the vocabulary in this lesson, as it simply serves to help you understand how the key word element helps give words their meaning.
The key word element of this lesson is 동.
The Chinese character for this word is 動.
The word element 동 is related to ‘movement’, ‘move’, and ‘to move’.
Sample Expressions
운 (to transport) + 동 (to move) = 운동 運動 = exercise; workout
요즘에 운동 열심히 하고 있어요.
= I have been diligently exercising lately.
동 (to move) + 작 (to make) = 동작 動作 = movement; move
이 동작을 따라하세요.
= Follow me and do this move.
작 (to make) + 동 (to move) = 작동 作動 = operation (of a device)
작동이 안 돼요.
= It does not work.
활 (to flow, to be alive) + 동 (to move) = 활동 活動 = activity
온라인 활동
= online activities
음악 활동
= music/musical activities
TV 활동
= TV activities/appearances
동 (to move) + 사 (language) = [grammar term] 동사 動詞 = verb
이 단어는 동사예요.
= This word is a verb.
동 (to move) + 물 (object, material) = 동물 動物 = animal
동물 좋아해요?
= Do you like animals?
연 (to connect) + 동 (to move) = [internet term] 연동 聯動 = linkage; interlocking
페이스북 연동
= connecting to Facebook through another site
연동 되어 있어요.
= (Two web services) are linked/connected together.
행 (to do, to go) + 동 (to move) = 행동 行動 = behavior
행동 똑바로 하세요!
= Behave yourself!
동 (to move) + 영 (to project) + 상 (image) = 동영상 動映像 = video
동영상 응답
= video response