【第五章】E14 外教版 | The Soul Mates

【第五章】E14 外教版 | The Soul Mates


Chapter 5 The Soul Mates 

“I’m an agreeable skeptic who’s cautious yet flamboyant.”

“I’m an irritable wallflower who’s dangerously curious.”

“I’m a manipulative megalomaniac who’s intensely opportunistic.”

“Oh, ho! This one might be a handful!” the onscreen Jerry said cheerfully. “But that’s Earth’s problem.”

Yikes! thought Joe. Wasn’t anyone doing quality control on these souls?

“Anyway,” the counselor said lightly, “you’ll notice these souls are all missing something.”He pointed to the blank space on one soul’s Personality Profile. What’s that last box for? Well, these souls need their ‘Spark.’ And that’s where you come in!”

Joe shifted in his seat. He didn’t care about Sparks. He just needed to get back to Earth!

“Maybe you’ll find their Spark in the Hall of Everything, where literally anything on Earth could inspire!” Onscreen, a new soul’s Personality Profile was filled in. At once, the Personality Profile transformed into an Earth Pass.

“Or perhaps,” the narrator went on, “you’ll prefer the Earthetarium, featuring a selection of moments from your own inspiring life! And just what provides that Spark? Well, because you’ve already lived, you understand. There are some things on Earth that just make life worth living!”

Joe’s eyes widened. A plan was forming in his mind. Step one: Play piano for a new soul, who is so inspired that its Personality Profile instantly turns into an Earth Pass. Step two: Snatch the Earth Pass from the unsuspecting newbie and leap down to Earth in the soul’s place. Step three: Wake up in his own body, play the gig with Dorothea Williams, and receive the adoration of all New York City.

“Yes!” Joe chuckled. It was foolproof!

“I know you’re all excited to get to work. Good luck finding the Spark!” The video ended.

“Find the Spark!” Joe whispered to himself.

As the lights came up, another counselor stepped onto the stage. “Now it’s time for my favorite part of the program,” he said. “Matching you mentors with your soul mates.”

A group of new souls entered through the doors at the back of the theater and made their way down to the stage.

“Our first mentor is Maria Martinez. Maria Martinez, come on down!” Jerry boomed.

There was a smattering of applause. The soul ascended the stage as highlights from her human life played on the screen behind her. Then an adorable little soul bounced onto the stage. Maria and the soul embraced, and they walked off hand in hand.

