


Part AQuestions and Answers

1. Why did Becky's child tremble and turn very red after she kissed him?

2. What did Sir Pitt talk about with Becky in the study? 

3. Why did Becky flatter Sir Pitt ?

4. What was Rawdon like after ten years?

5. Where were Becky's diamonds from? 

Part BSpelling

funeral  ambition  starve   disapprove     temper

Part CTrue or False

1. Amelia extremely cherished and cared for her child.

2. Jos made an allowance to Amelia of a hundred and twenty pounds a year.

3. Amelia's mother intended to poison her child.

4. Becky wanted a position for her husband from Lord Steyne.

5. Quite a few gentlemen were attracted by Becky.

Part DTranslation

1. She had shown interest in his ambitions for government, and made admiring comments on his political ideas, which he had found very agreeable.

2. He was a short, ugly man, disliked by many for his cruel tongue and his evil reputation.

3. I want Lady Jane to present me at court next year, and I want Sir Pitt to get you a position of some importance.

4. Her artful lies gave him much entertainment.

5. But he had few interests apart from gambling and horses, and was glad whenever Becky released him from his social duties and sent him off to dine with his friends.


Part A

1. Because she seldom kissed him.

2. His political ambitions and plans.

3. Because she wanted to gain acceptance into the highest society.

4. He was lazy and obedient.

5. Lord Steyne paid for those diamonds. 

Part B


Part D

1. 她对他从政的抱负显示出兴趣,对他的政治主张表示赞赏,这很讨皮特爵士的喜欢。

2. 他个子矮小,长相丑陋,由于说话刻薄,声名狼藉,素来为人所不喜。

3. 我想让简女士明年把我引见给王公贵族,还想让皮特爵士给你安排个重要职务。

4. 她巧妙的谎话也给了他许多乐趣。

5. 但是除了赌博和骑马,他没什么其他兴趣。每当贝姬不要求他社交应酬,让他和自己的朋友吃饭,他就很高兴。

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