





Vanity Fair 13

名利场 13

'Good to see you, Crawley,' he said. 'How are you?'


'All right, my boy,' said Rawdon. 'How's the business with your father? Has he given in?'


'Not yet,' said George. 'But he will. And I've some private fortune through my mother. What about your aunt?'


'Sent me twenty pounds, damned old woman. When shall we have a game, eh? Come round on Tuesday, why not?'


The Crawleys were at the opera that night as well. Becky was sitting in General Tufto's box, clearly a great favourite with the General, but as soon as she saw Amelia, she hurried round to see her. Such affectionate kisses! How was her dearest, best little Amelia? How pretty she was looking! And here was Mr Jos too, looking so well, and such a fine moustache! Becky smiled, and talked, and laughed, busily spreading charm all around her.


'What a slippery(1) little snake that woman is!' honest old Dobbin murmured to George when Becky had left. 'She's acting(2) all the time, didn't you see, George?'


'Acting? Nonsense! She's the nicest little woman in England,' George replied. 'You don't understand women, Dobbin.'


Dobbin understood enough about George, however, to become anxious after a few days, when he saw how often George was playing cards with Rawdon Crawley, and losing.


'When are you going to give up(3) gambling, George?' he said.


'When are you going to give up criticizing me?' was the reply. 'Rawdon doesn't cheat, you know. I'll start winning some games soon – it all balances out(4) in the end.'


'But I don't think Crawley could pay if he lost,' Dobbin said.


Good advice is never taken, and George continued to visit the Crawleys' hotel to play cards with Captain Crawley, and to attend the little dinners given by Mrs Crawley, whose green eyes always lit up when George came into the room – or so George liked to believe. In fact, he was convinced that Becky was in love with him, unable to resist such a handsome, charming fellow as himself. Meanwhile, Rawdon continued to beat him at cards.


George's gambling was the least of Amelia's worries. The more brilliantly Rebecca shone in society, the more shy and awkward Amelia became. The more time George spent in Rebecca's company, the more miserable and lonely Amelia became. But she said nothing, and suffered in secret.


In June there was a grand ball, to which George and Amelia, Dobbin, and the Crawleys were all invited. After generously buying his wife a new dress and some ornaments, George took her to the ball, where she did not know anyone, put her on a chair and left her there. She was free to amuse herself as she liked, but no one came to disturb her except Dobbin.


Amelia's appearance at the ball was a failure; Mrs Crawley's appearance, however, was a brilliant success. She arrived very late. Her eyes sparkled with life, her dress was perfection. At once there was a crowd of admirers around her, begging for a dance.


But Rebecca went straight to where poor little Amelia was sitting, and in the kindest possible way, began to criticize Amelia's dress, her hair, and her shoes.


'I'll send my own dressmaker to you tomorrow,' she said. 'And my dear,' she went on, 'do stop George from gambling. He and Rawdon play cards every night, and Rawdon will win every penny(5) from him if he does not take care. Why don't you stop him, you careless girl? Oh, look, here comes your darling husband now.'


She turned to smile at George, who was approaching them.


'Where have you been, you wicked man?' she said. 'Here is Emmy crying her eyes out for you. Have you come to fetch me for our dance?'


And she left her shawl and her flowers by Amelia's side, and went away to dance with George. Only women know how to be so cruel. There is a poison on their sharp little knives which hurts far more than a man's blunter weapon.


Amelia sat alone with her sad thoughts in her corner, unnoticed except when Rawdon came to offer a few words of clumsy conversation, and when Dobbin brought her food and drink, and sat with her for a time.


At last George came back – for Rebecca's shawl and flowers. He took them away, but when he gave them back to their owner, there was a note, rolled up like a tiny snake among the flowers. Rebecca put out her hand to take them, and it was clear from her eyes that she knew what she would find there. She had been used to such notes from her early years. She gave him her hand and one of her quick, knowing glances, and George bowed over her hand, his heart hammering with the excitement of victory.


Amelia saw the glance, and suddenly it was too much.


'William,' she said to Dobbin, who was near her, 'you've always been kind to me – I'm – I'm not well. Take me home.'


He went away with her quickly. The streets seemed noisier and more crowded than usual, but the hotel was not far, and they soon reached it. Amelia went straight to bed.


George, meanwhile, wild with excitement, had been gambling and had then gone to spend his winnings on drink. Dobbin found him with a glass in his hand, and red in the face.


'Hallo, Dob! Come and drink, Dob!' George called out.


'Come away, George,' Dobbin said quietly. 'Don't drink.'


'Have a drink, old boy,' George said. 'Stop being so serious.'


Dobbin came close to George and whispered in his ear. At once George banged his glass down on the table and, taking his friend's arm, walked quickly away with him. 'The enemy has advanced,' Dobbin had said. 'The fighting has already begun. Come away – we march in three hours.'




1. slippery 湿滑的; 狡猾的


He is a slippery customer, and should be carefully watched.

他可是个狡猾的主顾, 得小心看着他。

2. act 假装

同义表达: pretend

act as if... 假装好像……

act like... 装作像是……


Paul acted as if nothing was wrong.

Paul 装作一切正常。

She always acts like she's pleased to see me, but I'm sure she's not.

她一直装作像是看到我很开心, 但我确信其实并不是。

3. give up on sb./sth. 放弃某人/某事


At some point, I feel like giving up on the marriage.

有时候, 我想着不结婚。

4. balance out 相抵, 使……平衡

the profits and losses balance out 盈亏相抵

5. every penny 每一分钱

every penny counts 每一分钱都很重要


He's worth every penny the company paid him.


When you're trying to save money, every penny counts.


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