





Pride and Prejudice 12

傲慢与偏见 12

It was absolutely necessary to interrupt him now.


'Sir, you forget I have given no answer. Accept my thanks for the compliment you are paying me, but it is impossible for me to accept your proposal.'


'Of course I understand,' said Mr Collins, 'that young ladies often do not accept a proposal of marriage the first time. I am therefore not at all discouraged, and sincerely hope we shall be married soon.'


'Sir,' cried Elizabeth, 'your hope is rather extraordinary after what I've said! I am perfectly serious. You could not make me happy, and I'm convinced I'm the last woman in the world who would make you happy. And I'm sure that if Lady Catherine knew me, she would find me poorly qualified for(1) the situation,'


'If I knew Lady Catherine thought so—'began Mr Collins, looking very worried. 'But I cannot imagine she would disapprove of(2) you. And when I have the honour of seeing her again, I shall certainly tell her how modest, economical(3) and practical you are.'


'Indeed, Mr Collins, all praise of me will be unnecessary. Pay me the compliment of believing what I say. I hope you will be very happy and very rich, but I cannot accept your proposal.' She got up and was going to leave the room, but Mr Collins was speaking to her again.


'I am far from accusing you of cruelty in refusing me, as I know it is the custom with elegant ladies in society to refuse a gentleman the first time. I hope to receive a more favourable answer next time I speak to you of marriage.'


'Really, Mr Collins,' cried Elizabeth with some warmth, 'you do puzzle(4) me! I do not know how to express my refusal so that it convinces you!'


'You must allow me to flatter myself, dear cousin, that you do not intend to refuse me for long. My situation in life, my connections with the de Bourgh family, and my relationship to your own, all make my proposal a very suitable one. And you should remember that in spite of your many admirable qualities, it is not certain that you will receive any other offer of marriage, as you have very little money of your own.'


'Sir, thank you again for the honour you have done me, but to accept your proposal is absolutely impossible. Can I speak plainer than that? Don't think of me as an elegant female, but as a thinking creature speaking the truth from her heart!'


'You are charming!' he cried, 'and I' m sure that when both your excellent parents agree, you will accept my proposal!'


Elizabeth did not reply, but left the room silently, determined to ask her father, if necessary, to make her refusal clear to the self-deceiving Mr Collins.


Mrs Bennet had been waiting eagerly for the end of the interview, and when she saw Elizabeth leave the room, she hurried in to offer her congratulations to Mr Collins. He received them with pleasure, adding that he was sure his cousin's refusal was a natural result of her modesty and delicacy of character.


'Refusal?' repeated Mrs Bennet, shocked. 'Lizzy refused you? Do not worry, Mr Collins. I shall speak to her at once. She's a very obstinate, foolish girl, but I'll make her accept you.'


'Pardon me, madam,' cried Mr Collins, 'but if she's really obstinate and foolish, I do not think she would be a suitable wife for a man in my situation.'


'Sir, you quite misunderstand me,' said Mrs Bennet, alarmed. 'She's only obstinate in a matter like this. In everything else she is very agreeable. I'll see Mr Bennet and we'll arrange it with her, I'm sure.'


She did not give him time to reply, but hurried to the library, where she knew she would find her husband.


'Oh, Mr Bennet, we need you urgently! We're all in such confusion! You must come and make Lizzy marry Mr Collins!'


Mr Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and stared at her with calm unconcern. 'I do not have the pleasure of understanding you, 'he said. 'What are you talking about?'


'Lizzy declares she won't have him, and if you don't hurry, he'll change his mind and not have her.'


'So what should I do? It seems a hopeless business.'


'Speak to her about it yourself. Tell her you insist on her marrying him.'


'Call her in here. She shall hear my opinion.'


Mrs Bennet gladly rang the bell, and the servant brought Elizabeth into the library.


'Come here, child,' said her father as she appeared. 'I've sent for(5) you on a very important matter. I understand that Mr Collins has made you an offer of marriage, and you have refused?' When Elizabeth nodded, he continued, 'Very well. Now, your mother insists on(6) your accepting. Isn't that right, Mrs Bennet?'


'Yes, or I'll never see her again.'


'You now have an unhappy choice to make, Elizabeth. From this day on, you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.'


Elizabeth could not help smiling, but Mrs Bennet, who had been sure her husband supported her, was very disappointed.


'What do you mean, Mr Bennet? You promised me you would insist on her marrying him.'


'My dear,' replied her husband, 'I have two small requests to make. First, that you will accept that I know what I promised or did not promise, and secondly, that you will all leave me in peace(7) as soon as possible.'




1. qualified for... 够资格……, 能胜任……


He is qualified for this work.


2. disapprove of sth./sb. 不赞同/不喜欢/反对某事/某人


Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.


3. economical 节俭的, 节约的


It's more economical to buy the bigger size.


He is economical in all areas of his life.


4. puzzle 使迷惑, 使困惑(make sb. feel confused because he or she doesn't understand sth.)

Sb./Sth. puzzle(s) sb. 某人/某事令人迷惑。

Sb. Puzzle(s) over sth. 某人对某事感到迷惑。


In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzled over his verse and prose.

在排练莎士比亚时, 我对他的文句感到迷惑。

5. send for sb. 请某人来, 派人去叫某人


I have sent for the doctor.


6. insist on (doing) sth. 坚持主张(做) 某事


If you insist on leaving, then go ahead.

如果你坚持要走, 那就走吧。

7. leave sb. in peace 让某人静静


Can't you leave me in peace for a while?


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