033Manageri Staff管理人员

033Manageri Staff管理人员


Dialogue One

M: Please send this memo out to all the managerial staff, there will be a training for all of the department heads next week, attendents for managerial staff is mandatory except for the financial department, financial officers may participate if their schedule are allowed.

F: You would like me to send this to all the managerial staff? I'm sorry sir, could you please clarify who all is included in managerial staff?

M: Managerial staff is anyone who is in position of authority or responsibility, or who has anyone working under them, it includes all supervisors and deparment heads

F: What about the senior account managers? Do they count?

M: No, they are in the position of leadership and have more experienced nomal account managers, but they do not directly supervise others, they are not members of managerial staff and will not be included in our training.

Dialogue Two

M: Management is going through a big tunnel of the used days, with bills of retire men, and department realying men , we have lost one third of our managerial staff, they've been dropping like flies.

F: Isn't that a good thing? Having few of bosses means having less stress, don't think?

M: Actually, I don't think so, supervisers are really important to make sure everything goes smoothly in the work place. They are necessary for diving up work and disciplining our employees, if there is no one to keep an eye on us, no one would get any work done, you know what they say, when the cat's away, the mice will play.

F: We do need leadership, but what we don't need is too many people to lead us, you know what they say about too many chiefs and not enough indians.

M: All right, I get your point.

