1. 关键词:standing up, lay down
2. 马站着睡觉是因为当危险来临的时候,它们可以立刻快速逃跑。
Lucy: Teacher Mahalia! Do all horses sleep standing up?
Mahalia: Yes, Lucy.
中教:Lucy问Mahalia老师,是不是所有的马都是站着睡觉的,Mahalia老师说是这样的。那么这是为什么呢?Standing up是站立的意思。
Lucy: Why? Don’t they get tired?
Mahalia: Good question Lucy! Horses sleep standing up because if there is danger, they can run away quickly!
Lucy: Oh, I got it. If they lay down to sleep, they need to first wake up and stand up, then run away. That would be too slow.
Mahalia: Right Lucy! If they can’t run immediately, they might be caught by other animals. Sleeping standing up keeps the horse safe.
小朋友们,我们今天学习了两个短语,standing up站立,lay down躺下。我们知道了,马站着睡觉是因为当危险来临的时候,它们可以立刻快速逃跑。好啦,今天的课就到这里啦,我们下次再见吧!