(Level 2)-Day_97 Visiting the Doctor

(Level 2)-Day_97 Visiting the Doctor





1.stethoscope 听诊器

2.cuff 袖口

3.reflexes 反射作用

4.needle 针

5.vaccinations 疫苗


Visiting the Doctor

When people feel sickthey go to a doctor.

But sometimes people visit the doctor even when they are not sick.

Doctors can perform a medicalcheck-up”,to find out if a person is healthy.

By performing this physical examinationthe doctor can identify any healthy problems that might be developing.

During a check-upthe doctor exams your eyesears and throat.

The doctor uses a small flashlight to examine the eyesears and throat.

It is important to make sure that the eyes are react normally to change in light.

It is also important to make sure that the ears and throat have a normal appearance.

When the doctor examines your throathe or she will ask you to open your mouth wide and sayah.

The doctor uses a stethoscope to examine the patient's heartbeat.

The stethoscope hangs around the doctor's neck.

By using a stethoscopea doctor can hear the patient's heartbeat very clearly.

While checking the patient's heartthe doctor also listens carefully to make sure that the patient's breathing is normal.

The doctor also checks the patient's blood pressure.

Blood pressure is measured by placing a cuff around the arm.

Air is then pumped in the cuffand this allows the blood pressure to be measured.

Having very high blood pressureor very low blood pressureis not good for one's healthit is better to bein between.

Another part of the examination is a test of the reflexes.

The doctor tests the patient's reflexes by gently hitting his or her knee with a small hammer.

If a person has normal reflexesthe leg will extend suddenly.

Sometimes a doctor may give injection using a needleas an extra part of the check-up.

These injectionscalled vaccinationsprevent the patient from developing certain illnesses.

Medical check-up can help to maintain healthbut people also should maintain health by leading in a heathy lifestyle.

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