Week.29 Mr.Question(连读版)

Week.29 Mr.Question(连读版)


Mr. Question

One day, a bad alien invaded the earth. His name was Mr. Question. His army had attacked many planets around the universe. This time, they landed on Shanghai, China. He told the earth leaders that if no one can answer his questions or work out his problems. The attack would start right away.

The Avengers gathered in Shanghai when they heard the news.

“I have five questions and I will start from some simple ones.” Mr.Question spoke to the world. “What’s five plus five?(5+5=?)”

Spider-man thought for a while,“That’s ten.”

“Not bad. But what’s eight plus seven(8+7=?)?” Mr. Question said with a smile.

“Eh~”Spider-man hesitated, so did the other avengers.

“Eight plus seven equals fifteen.” Iron Man said loudly.

“Oh, impressive, you are good. But the next question will not be as easy.” Mr. Question said.“What’s twelve minus five?(12-5=?)” 

Everyone was silent again.

“Let me try!” Doctor Strange stood out.“Oh, I know. The answer is seven!” 

“It seemed that I have to be more serious now!What’s twenty minus ten then plus seven.(20-10+7=?)”

This time, no one could answer the question and they looked really worried. After quite a while, a boy stood out and shouted:“ I know the answer!”

Everybody focused on him, including Mr. Question. The boy is Thomas, one of the avengers!

“Then tell me!” Mr. Question said.

“It’s seventeen!” Thomas told him and asked :“And what’s your last question?”

Mr. Question trembled and thought for a while: “What’s eighteen minus six, minus six and minus six?(18-6-6-6=?)”

“The answer is zero!” Thomas said proudly.

“You...you are right. It’s impossible, you are so smart!”Mr. Question screamed.

Everyone cheered, then Mr. Question boarded his ship and flew away from the earth.

Invade                 入侵

Army                  军队

Attack                  攻击

Planet                  行星,星球

Universe                宇宙

Land                    着陆

Leader                  领导人

Plus                     加上

Minus                   减去

Equal                    等于

Impressive                令人印象深刻的

Silent                    寂静

Tremble                  颤抖

Focus on                  聚焦在

Including                 包括

Impossible                不可能

Cheer                    欢呼

Board                    登上

