1. tidy /'taɪdɪ/ 整齐的
2. leaf /liːf/ 叶子
3. officer /'ɒfɪsə/ 军官;政府高级官员
1. He was a little man, with fair hair, and was tidily dressed.
2. It must be the little man who looked in at the door just now, and shook like a leaf when he saw you and heard your song!'
3. He claims that your officers assaulted him.
1. When there was another knock on the door, Shepherd Fennel was slow to call out the welcoming words because _____.
A. he didn't hear the knock
B. he was frightened
C. he didn't want to have another guest
2. How did the third stranger react when he saw the man in grey?
A. He immediately ran away.
B. He came up and greeted him.
C. He stopped speaking.
3. What was the tool of the man in grey?
A. Axe.
B. Rope.
C. Gun.
4. What broke the stillness in the room?
A. The rhythm of the falling rain on the windows.
B. The scream from a prisoner.
C. The sound of a gun.
5. Who came forward when the hangman asked for a policeman?
A. The king's officer.
B. Shepherd Fennel.
C. A prison guard.
1. 题目问的是“又传来了一阵敲门声时,为什么牧羊人芬内尔好半天才说出了那句欢迎的话?”,根据原文,听了灰衣人的歌,人们有些恐慌,所以牧羊人芬内尔好半天才第三次说出了那句欢迎的话(对应原文:Just then, there was another knock on the door. People seemed frightened, and Shepherd Fennel was slow to call out, for the third time, the welcoming words, 'Come in!')。故选B。
2. 题目问的是“第三个陌生人看到灰衣人作何反应?”,根据原文,第三个陌生人刚一开口,目光就落到了灰衣人身上,于是便闭上了嘴(对应原文:'Can you tell me the way to—?' he began, but stopped speaking when his eyes fell on the stranger in grey, who, at that moment, started singing again.)。故选C。
3. 题目问的是“灰衣人的工具是什么?”,根据原文,灰衣人说自己的用具是那一小截绳子(对应原文:Honest shepherds all— Working with the little piece of rope. A sheep has lost its life, and the thief must pay the price.)。故选B。
4. 题目问的是“屋内的寂静被什么打破了?”,根据原文,寂静被“砰”的一声巨响打破了,那是一声枪响,从卡斯特桥方向传来(对应原文:The stillness was broken by a bang. It was the sound of a gun, and it came from Casterbridge.)。故选C。
5. 题目问的是“当刽子手需要警察时,谁上前来了?”,根据原文,国王手下的军官被朋友们推着慢慢走上前来(对应原文:One of the men came slowly forward, pushed by his friends. 'I'm one o' the king's officers, sir,' he said.)。故选A。