Are you good at taking pictures? 你擅长拍照吗?
Could you take a picture? 你可以拍张照吗?
Give me the landscape of the seashore for the background.
Just press here, please. 按这里就行了。
May I take a picture of you? 我可以帮你拍张照吗?
Are you ready now? 你准备好了吗?
Make a smiling face. 笑一笑。
Say “cheese.” 笑一个。
Do you want to be in the picture with us? 可以一起照张相吗?
Can I have a picture taken with you? 我可以和你合影吗?
One more, please. 再拍一张。
May I take a picture here? 我可以在这里拍照吗?