5.31 美音朗读版

5.31 美音朗读版

  • 听友226547153

    5.31每日早读 When, students in the flower of our age, Our spirit bright was at its height, Full of the scholar’s noble rage, We criticized with all our might. 恰同学少年, 风华正茂; 书生意气, 挥斥方遒。 《沁园春·长沙》 Tune: Spring in a Pleasure Garden Changsha 毛泽东 (许渊冲 译)

  • 甜仙儿吖

    When students in the flower of our age.Our spirit bright was at its height, full of the scholars nobal rage. We criticized with all our mind.

  • 沐雨橙风052

    When, students in the flower of our age, Our spirit bright was at its height, Full of the scholar's noble rage, We criticized with all our might.

  • MissFang0000

    When, students in the flower of our age, Our spirit bright was at its height, Full of the scholar's noble range, We criticized with all our might.

  • 半勺薄荷糖

    5.31早读❤️r#When, students in the flower of our age, Our spirit bright was at its height, Full of the scholar’s noble rage, We criticized with all our might.

  • 1998903jnlp

    When, students in the flower of our age, Our spirit bright was at its height, Full of the scholar’s noble rage, We criticized with all our might.

  • xingxing呀

    when students in the flower of our age our spirits spread follow of the s without our mimd

  • Janemay116

    When students in the flower of our rage, our spirit bright with its height, follow of the scholars nobel rage with criticize with all our mind.

  • fushoujun

    When, students in the flower of our age. Our spirit bright was at its height. Full of the scholar's noble rage, We criticized with all our might