



一、1-5CCBAC 6-10BBBAC 二、11-15CBCCA 16-20ACBCB 21-25BBCBC


一、 1~5. CCBCD 6~10. ADABC
二、1-5 look after the children’s teeth,  feel sleepy,  look at all the stars, 

 go to a cooking school, have some bad habits,

6-10 saw many books and toys on the floor, 
used too many plastic bags and bottles, has a healthy diet
wanted to come with me, dirty and messy cities

11-15 put rubbish in the bin, clean and beautiful streets
slipped on the banana skin and fell, reuses these paper boxes
三、1. to be/ going to be, 2. is giving, 3. brush, brushes, 4. could, write, 5. help, clean 

6. take, 7. made, 8. washes, 9. were, 10.to be, 11. to help, 12. washing 
13. tell, 14. to eat, 15. fit, goes, to buy, taught, watching, 
16. Do, watch, don’t play, Do, have, don’t have, Does, move, doesn’t move, Do, like, don’t like 
四、1. drawing, also, does, painting, 2. glasses, 3. playing, pianist, 4. two, second 5. Ants 6. festivals, 7. safely, 8. shopping, 9. September, 10. posters, 11. wonderful 12. tomatoes 
13. scientist, 14. exciting, excited, excitedly, 15. questions, 16. friendly, 17. countries, 
18. giraffes, 19. Vegetables, 
 五. 1. How 2. difficult, 3. twelve 4. everywhere, 5. library, 6. sky, 7. players, 8. fishes
9. fifth, 10. Festival, 11. Wednesday, 12. February, 13. Science, 14. watch, So, 
六. 1~5. BCCBB, 6~10. CCACA 11~15. CBCDB 16~20. CBBAB
七. 1-5BADAB 6-10CDCAAC
八. A篇BDBBD B篇. ABDAB   C. 1-4 ACBC
九. 1. Bobby, 2. music, 3. English, 4. running, 5. short, 
6. dancing, 7. singing, 8. fat, 9. Chinese, 10. friends
十.第一篇1. live, 2. in, 3. cold 4. lots 5. can, 6. weather 7. wear 8. many, 9. They, 10. doing 
第二篇wrote,  thank,   three  hurt,    tells,  lives, Smile,  bring
十一. 1. Where, did, have, 2. Does, ask, she, does, 3. Where, is, going, 4. Will, visit, he, won’t, 5. How, long, did, your, stay, 
十二. 1. looked, for, toy, bears, didn’t, find, them, 
2. be, an, astronaut, fly, the, spaceship, 
3. walk, on, the, pavement, look, left, and, right, cross, the, road. 
4. messy, and, dirty, has, a, bad, habit
5. travel, around, the, world
6. some, potatoes, and, tomatoes, some, cherries, and, pineapples. 
7. woke, up, early, didn’t, want, to, get, up, sleepy
8. eat, too, many, sweets, good, for, your, teeth
9. had, a, toothache, went, dentist, gave, me, medicine
10. put, on, his, white, shirt, went, by, metro, is, wearing, a, pair, of, magic, trousers, 
十三. Hi, my name is David Green. I am in No. 1 Middle School. My telephone number is 86579218. Here is a nice photo of my family. These are my parents. These two girls are my sisters. In my room, my books are in the bookcase. My pencil box is on my desk. Where’s my baseball? It’s under the bed. 

