


考点1 形容词和副词词义辨析

1.【2020•贵州黔东南州 】

I like these books because they offer me a lot of________ knowledge.

A. useful B. awful
C. useless D. boring

2. 【2020•黔西南州】

Have you seen my mobile phone, Sam? I can’t find it________.

A. everywhere B. somewhere
C. nowhere D. anywhere

3. 【2020•黑龙江哈尔滨市】

—What is your new classmate like?

—She is very shy. She speaks so ________ that I can hardly hear her.

A. loudly B. clearly C. quietly

4. 【2020•黑龙江省龙东地区】

Treasure Island is the most ________ novel ________ I have read.

A. interesting;which
B. interesting;that
C. interested;that

5. 【2020•江苏省苏州市】

Kunqu Opera is ________ thought to be one of the symbols of Suzhou. Don’t miss it during your stay here.

A hardly B. widely
C. suddenly D. badly

6. 【2020•山东滨州市】

—It's very important for us to keep ________.

—You are right. We should learn how to protect ourselves when we're in trouble.

A. rapid B. safe
C. lucky D. social

7. 【2020•四川达州市】

Some people are _________ power, wealth or fame, but all I want is only health and happiness.

A. responsible for B. known for
C. thirsty for D. thankful to

8. 【2020•四川达州市 】

— Ma Yun as well as Ren Zhengfei ________ tons of attention wherever they go.

— Yeah, they are very successful. We believe that struggle (奋斗) creates history and hard work makes a ________ future.

A. gets; brightly B. get; bright
C. gets; bright D. get; brightly

9. 【2020•新疆维吾尔自治区(建设兵团)】

— The song My Country and I is very ______ in China.

— Yes. Chinese like to sing this song to show their love of being Chinese.

A. direct B. clear
C. popular D. correct

10. 【2020•浙江温州】

—It's _____ today. Let's go to the beach.

—Sounds great! Don't forget your sunglasses.

A. rainy B. windy
C. sunny D. cloudy

11. 【2020•浙江温州 】

—How often do you go to the cinema?

—________. I only watch movies at home.

A. Always B. Usually
C. Sometimes D. Never

12. 【2020•重庆 】

What a ______ boy! He worked out such a difficult math problem.

A. strong B. kind
C. lazy D. clever

考点2 形容词和副词的比较等级

1. 【2020•四川达州市】

Of the two math problems, I can just work out _________ one.

A. the less difficult B. more difficult
C. the more difficult D. less difficult

2. 【2020•江苏省苏州市】

—I don’t really like big cities.

—Neither do I. I feel much ________ in the countryside.

A. free B. freer
C. freest D. the freest

3. 【2020• 北京市 】

Zhaozhou Bridge is one of ________ stone bridges in the world.

A. old B. older
C. oldest D. the oldest

4. 【2020•贵州省安顺市】

If we are interested in something, our brain is ________ and it is also easier for us to pay attention to it for a long time.

A. active

B. more active

C. the most active

5. 【2020•贵州黔东南州】

Fishing is one of _____ activities among the middle—aged men like my uncles.

A. popular
B. more popular
C. most popular
D. the most popular
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