''Can Hybrid Rice avert food crisis?"
2 February 2012
Plenary Theater Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
RIP Professor Yuan longping. Condolences from Bangladesh. Our main food is rice. We will remember you for your contribution.
There may be less than 100 people that have impacted the world to the degree of Yuan Longping. His legacy lives on in the millions of people knowingly or unknowingly that have been saved from starvation.
You are great men sir..Rest In Peace. you are no forgotten
all the best to his family his team and his country. what a perfect man.
Much admiration to these scientists, who spent their entire lives to find ways to make life better for others. It's a very noble cause. RIP Mr. Yuan.
Robert Schwarzenegger1 year ago
His achievement is 1 billion times better than those who created bomb, weapon, nuclear weapon. He taking care of human food. And billion of people benefit it.
Well, Koshikihari rice is good, but it's pretty expensive! I've bought some rice from China a few times (here in the US, in Florida) that was very nicely prepared, really a premium product. I think people would like to see it more. This was a nice thing to see, what with everyone talking about missiles and WWIII, I'm glad that someone is working to make more food!
謝謝溫暖分享。 昨日以前不熟悉袁先生,之後查看了袁先生資料⋯⋯看完生平事蹟介紹,由衷感受屬於袁先生年代的了不起。心力研究和無私奉獻的精神,造福國家人民有足夠食糧。世界各地還有很多地方缺糧危機,我們能夠豐衣足食,更要惜福眼前所有物質資源。
润英语RainEnglish 回复 @日安臺灣: 是呀,袁先生是国家和人民的福祉,珍惜眼前的所有资源,就是对功臣最好的铭记!