第67句话 King国王: Haha! The cloth is so beautiful!
第68句话 Oh! We have so many people!
第69句话 Are you coming to see my new cloth?
第70句话 下属1和下属2: Yes.
第71句话 King国王: How do you like my new cloth?
第72句话 Is it beautiful?
第73句话 下属1: Wow! Look at the beautiful colors!
第74句话 下属2: Wow! Look at the beautiful patterns!
第75句话 小女孩: You wear nothing!
第76句话 小男孩: You wear nothing!
第77句话 King国王: Haha! You stupid kids!
第78句话 You can’t see it because you are stupid!
第79句话 小女孩: You wear nothing!
第80句话 小男孩: Such a shame.
第81句话 King国王: What?
第82句话 小女孩&小男孩: You wear nothing!
第83句话 小女孩&小男孩: Such a shame!
读84句话 小女孩&小男孩: You wear nothing!
第85句话 小女孩&小男孩: Such a shame!
第86句话 下属1: Hey! Don’t say it again!
第87句话 Or we will kill you!
第88句话 Let’s go back, my King!
第89句话 下属2: Yes, my King!
第90句话 They are stupid!
第91句话 King国王: You two.
第92句话 Do you really see the cloth?
第93句话 Don’t lie to me!
第94句话 下属1&下属2: Well...well... My dear King...
第95句话 旁白: Everyone began to laugh.
第96句话 The King ran back to his palace and never come out again.