There is ahouse,a napping house,where everyone is sleeping.
And in that housethere is a bed,a cozy bed in a napping house,where everyone is sleeping.
And on that bedthere is a granny,a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house,whereeveryone is sleeping.
And on thatgranny there is a child,a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy in anapping house,where everyone is sleeping.
And on that childthere is a dog, a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozybed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.
And on thatdog,there is a cat,a snoozing cat,on a dozing dog.on a dreaming child,on asnoring granny ,on a cozy bed.In a napping house,where everyone is sleeping.
And on thatcat,there is a mouse,a slumbering mouse,on a snoozing cat,on a dozing dog,on adreaming child,on a snoring granny,on a cozy bed.In a napping house,whereeveryone is sleeping.
And on thatmouse,there is a flea...Can it be? a wakeful flea.on a slumbering mouse,on asnoozing cat,on a dozing dog,on a dreaming child,on a snoring granny,on a cozybed.In a napping house.where everyone is sleeping?
A wakefulflea,who bites the mouse.
who scares thecat,
who claws thedog,
who thumps thechild,
who bumps thegranny,
who breaks thebed.
Inthe napping house,where no one now is sleeping.